The samples should  be chosen to represent the area they have been taken and the target study the best.

The samples should  have “Sample Tags” fulfilled by the entity that request the mineralogical-petrographic analysis for full technological studies. Each tag should  contain sample mark, sample type and necessary information for the requested analysis legibly. The sample mark in the tag should  be stated in the Analysis/Test Application Form.

The same sample mark should  not be used for different samples. Otherwise, the samples will not be processed.

In case of multiple analyses/tests for one sample, sample size should  be increased depending on the analysis type and number.

The samples should  be sent in a clean, transparent nylon bag or a resistant cloth bag.

Analysis/Test Code

Analysis/Test Name


Service Period

Sample Amount 

Service Fee

(VAT Included)


‎‏‎Mineralogical-Petrographic Analysis for Full Technological Studies

(Applications out of the institution are not accepted.

Only Ore Enrichment Unit can apply.)

The analysis to be performed is determined according to the nature of the sample and planned technological study.

Contacting with related Unit via Sample Acceptance Unit and getting an appointment is necessary before the application.

Analysis period is determined as per the time schedule prepared following acceptance of the application and this period is notified to the customer.

Determined according to the analysis necessary for the technological studies

 Determined according to the characteristics of the study.


Standardless Elemental Analysis in Energy Dispersive XRF (EDXRF) Spectrometry

It is performed only for analysis/test samples with MP-29 code.

Contacting with related Unit via Sample Acceptance Unit and getting an appointment is necessary before the application.

Analysis period is determined as per the time schedule prepared following acceptance of the application and this period is notified to the customer.

Determined according to the analysis necessary for the technological studies.

135,00 TL /Sample