Süreli Yayınlar Listesi
- AGID News 1980-1992
- AID Research Abstracts 1973-1986
- AIME=Transactıon of The Socıety of Mining Engineers of AIME 1871-1977
- AIP Turkey AIC Turkey 1969-1995
- Ape Engineering=Apex 1973-1983
- Apex=Ape Engineering 1969-1973
- ASM News 1981-1988
- ASTM Standarts 1936-1994
- ASTM Standarts on Petroleum Products and Lubrıcants 1941
- Abhandlungen des Staatlisches Museum für Mineralogie und Geologie zu Dresden 1967-1998
- Abrıdge Scientific Publications 1962-1964
- Abstracts of Bulgarian Scientific Literature. Geology and Geography 1959-1990
- Abstracts of North American Geology 1996-1971
- Abstracts of Scientific and Technical Papers 1955-1966
- Abstracts of The Proceedings of The Geological Society of London= Proceedings of the Geological Society of London 1826-1971
- Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.Classe Science Fiziche ,Mathematiche e Natur.Roma=Fiziche and Mathematiche 1951-1989
- Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.Classe Science Fiziche Natur. Roma 1990-1999
- Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.Classe Science Mathematiche e Natur.Roma. 1990-1999
- Accademia Nazi.dei.Lincei Class.Scie.Fiz.Mat. e Natur.Supplemento. 1990-1997
- Accademia Nazionale Dei.Lincei.Renciconti Delle Adunanze Solenni. 1952-1999
- Accademia Republici Populare Romine.Bull.Scientific Sec.Geol.şi.Georg. 1956-1957
- Academy of Sciences of the USSR.Earth Science Section =Doklady of the Accademy of Science USSR Earth Science Section 1996
- Achema Jahrbuch 1971-1973
- Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalie Pragae. 1948-1977
- Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae. 1965-1980
- Acta Geologica 1952-1969
- Acta Geologica Hispanica 1967-1999
- Acta Geologica Lilloana 1956-1965
- Acta Geologica Sinica 1964-1997
- Acta Micropaleontologica Sinica 1973-1988
- Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica 1971-1974
- Acta Montana 1971-1990
- Acta Musei Moraviae=Casopis Moravskeho Musea 1949-1999
- Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 1979-2000
- Acta Universitatis Carolinea Geologica 1965-1999
- Activities 1970-1972
- Actual 1968
- Adalet Bakanlığı Kararlar Dergisi 1991-1992
- Adalet Dergisi=Adalet Bakanlığı Kararlar Dergisi 1988-1990
- Advanced Materials and Processes 1987-1988
- Advanced in Geophysics 1952-1980
- Advanced in X-Ray Analysis 1971-1995
- Ajans Tüba-İmzalanan Toplu İş Sözleşmeleri Bülteni 1980-1982
- Ajans Tüba-İş-İşçi Çalışma Bülteni 1975-1982
- Akdeniz Üniversitesi Iparta Mühendislik Fak.Dergisi 1985-1988
- Akdeniz Üniversitesi Isparta Mühendislik Fak.Jeoloji Müh.Böl.Dergisi 1971-1985
- Aksesyon Listesi 1971-1985
- Alcheringa 1980-1983
- Algemenie Statistik des Auslandes 1966-1967
- Die Alpen 1925-1945
- Aluminium 1937-1943
- Amdel Bulletin 1975-1978
- Ameghiniana 1957-1977
- American Association of Petroleum Geologist Bulletin 1933-2000 //bookstore.aa.pg.org
- American Bureau of Metal Statistics Yearbook=ABMS Non Ferrous Metal Data Yearbook 1966-1973
- American Ceramic Society Bulletin 1939-2000 www.ceramics.org
- American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry 1982-1983
- American Foundryman=Modern Casting and American Fondryman
- American Journal of Science 1819-2000 E-mail :js@yale.edu
- American Journal of Science and Arts=American Journal of Science 1819-2000
- American Midland Naturalist 1909-1950
- The American Mineralogist 1995-2000 www.turpinbooks.com
- American Mining Congress Journal 1983-1988
- American Museum Novitates 1916-2000
- The American Naturalist 1869-1902
- American Paleontologist 1992-2000
- American Scientist 1968-1972
- Amme İdaresi 1968-2000
- Analusis 1975-1976
- The Analyst 1950-1988
- Analytical Abstracts 1957-2000
- Analytical Chemistry 1947-2000 //pubs.acs.org/ac
- Analytical Communications=Analytical Proceedings 1980-1999 www.rsc.org/ancomm
- Anatolian Studies 1951-1978
- Anayasa Mahkemesi Kararlar Dergisi 1975-1991
- Angewandte Chemie 1952-1991
- Ankara Barosu Dergisi 1961-1980
- Ankara Nükleer Araştırma Merkezi Teknik İlerleme Raporu 1974-1978
- Ankara Haberler Ajansı 1968
- Ankara Nükleer Araştırma Merkezi Projeleri 1975
- Ankara Nucleer Research and Training Center 1976
- Ankara Ticaret Odası Dergisi 1968-1985
- Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Dergisi 1942-1966
- Ankara Yüksek Ziraat Enstitüsü Dergisi 1944-1948
- Annalen des k.k. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums=Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien =Annalen des Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. 1886-1999
- Annales de Géomorphologie=Zeitschrift für Géeomorphologie 1975-1983
- Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de L’Université de Clermont =Annales Scientifiques de L’Universite de Clermont. Geol.Min. 1962-1975
- Annales de I’Instıtut de Physique d Globe.Geophysique. 1936-1972
- Annales de I’Instıtut de Physique d Globe de Strasbourg.Seismologie. 1936-1962
- Annales de I’Instıtut des Mines e Leningrad=Zapiski Leningradskogo Gornogo Instıtuta 1939-1941
- Annales de la Societe Geologique de Belgique 1911-1997
- Annales de la Sociéte Geologique de Pologne (Rocznik)=Rocznik Polskiege Towarzystwa Geologicznego 1935-2000
- Annales de la Societe Geologique du Nord. 1876-1999
- Annales de Paleontologie. 1906-2000 www.elseier-frokom
- Annales de Protistologie 1928-1936
- Annales de Officie National Des Combustibles Liquides 1936-1938
- Annales des Mines 1936-2000
- Annales des Mines Roumanie 1936-1937
- Annales des Scences Naturelles.Zoologie et Biologie Animale. 1938-1985
- Annales des Scences Naturelles Zoologie et Paleontologie. 1864-1915
- Annales du Musée d’Histoıre Naturelle de Géneve=Revue Suisse de Zoologie 1894-1908
- Annales Geologiques de la Péninsile Balkanıque=Geoloski Anali Balkanskoga Poluostrva 1932-1998
- Annales Géologıques des pays Helleniques. 1942-1986
- Annales Scientifiques de L’Universite de Clermont.Geol.Min. 1962-1975
- Annales Musei Goulandris 1973-1999
- Annales Tectonicae 1987-1998
- Annales Universitatis Scientıarum Budapesttınensin Eöt.Nominatae.Section Geologica. 1982-1996
- The Annals and Magazine of Natural History 1888-1958
- Annals of Carnegie Museum 1967-2000
- Annals of Geomorphology=Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 1975-1983
- Annals of Geological Survey of Egypt 1971-1999
- Annals of the International Geophysical Year 1959-1970
- Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1879-1946
- Annotated Bibliography of Economic Geology 1928-1966
- Annuaire de L’Academie Rurale G.Dimitrov 1948-1950
- Annuaire de L’Universite de Toulose 1966-1968
- Annuaire de la Direction Générale des Recheches Géologiques 1957-1962
- Annuaire de L’Instıtut Minier et Géologique 1953-1967
- Annuaire Officiel de L’Administration et du Corps des Mines 1968-1970
- Annual Report Instıtute of Geoscience the Unıv. of Tsukuba 1974-1999
- Annuaıre du Museum National D’Hıstoıre Naturelle 1976-1982
- Annual Report Chınese Academy of Geological Science 1981
- Annual Report of the National Geophysical Research Instıtute 1976-1982
- Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Malaysia 1974-1975
- Annual Reports of the National Museum 1966-1970
- Annual Reports Centre for Earth Science Studies Trivandrum 1978-1982
- The Annual Report of the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey 1977
- Annual Summary of Information on Natural Disasters 1966-1972
- Antika 1985-1987
- Anuarul Comitetului Geologic-Romania=Republica Socialista Romania Comitatul de Stat al Geologiei. 1967-1980
- Applied Physics Letters 1962
- Applied Sciences and Development =Special Issue on the Occasion of the UN Conference on Desertification in Nairobi from 29 August to 9 September 1977
- Applied Spectroscopy 1973-2000 www.s-a-s.org
- Araştırma Haber Dergisi 1972
- Araştırma Projeleri Bülteni 1973
- Arab Minig Journal 1980-1989
- Araştırma Aylık Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi 1991
- Araştırmalar 1984-1986
- Arbeinen aus dem Geographischen Instıtut 1981-1985
- Archiv für das Eisenhüttenwesen 1975-1982
- Archıv für Lagerstattenforchung der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 1982-1997
- Archıv für Molluskenkunde 1919-1991
- Archıves des Sciences 1970-2000
- Archıwum Mineralogiczne 1965-1989
- Arkitekt 1944-1954
- Arkiv för Kemi 1949-1974
- Arkiv för Mineralogi och Geologi 1950-1974
- Arnavutluk’un Genel Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-Arnavutluk Ticari İlişkiler 1977
- Askeri Mecmua 1940-1942
- Askeri Tarih Belgeleri 1981
- Askeri Tarih Bülteni 1980
- Astronomik Almanak 1982-1992
- Atom 1974-1992
- Atom Enerjisi Kom.Ank.Nükleer Araşt. Ve Eğitim Merk.Faaliyet Raporu 1973-1979
- Atomic Absobtion Newsletter 1962-1980
- Atomic Spectroscopy 1980-1989
- Atomo e Industria 1957-1962
- Atompraxis 1961-1966
- Die Atom Wirtschaft 1957-1966
- Atti Dell’Istıtuto Dı Geologia Della Universita Dı Genova 1963-1969
- Atti Della Academia Nazionale die Lincei 1971-1972
- Atti Della Societa Italiana di Scien.Nat.e del Mu.Civ.Storia Nat.Milano =Societa İtalina di Scienze Natureli e del Museo Civico di Stor Nat.Mil.Atti 1971-1999
- Aufbereitungs-Technik 1960-2000 www.ife-ag.com
- Der Aufschluss 1970-1995
- Aussenhandel .Analytische Übersichten-CST Export 1971-1975
- Aussenhandel Analytische Übersichten-Nimexe.Band B 1971-1975
- Aussenhandel Analytische Übersichten-Nimexe.Band H 1971-1975
- Aussenhandel Spezialhandel nach Waren und Landern Reihe 2 1966-1967
- Aussenhandel-Reihe 1 1966-1967
- Aussenhandel .Landerverzeichnis 1975
- Aussenhandel.Monatstatistik.Sonderheft 1958-1975
- Australian Mineral Industry 1973
- Australian Mining 1973-1991
- Australian Mining Yearbook 1977-1981
- The Australisian Instıtute of Mining and Metallurgy Proceedings 1976-1990
- Avrupa Topluluğu 1975-1987
- Avusturalya’nın Genel Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye İle Ticari İlişkileri 1987-1988
- Avusturya’nın Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-Avusturya Ticareti 1969-1986
- Aylık Bülten,İktisat Vekaleti 1937-1951
- Aylık Ekonomik Göstergeler 1987-1988
- Aylık Ekonomik Veriler 1998-2000
- Aylık Hava ve Ziraat Vaziyeti Bülteni 1952-1963
- Aylık İstatistik Bülteni 1977-1986
- Aylık Ortalama Akımlar 1983
- Azerbayacan Nyeftyanoya Hozeystvo 1939-1947
- Azot 1966-1967
- BMR Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics 1976-1986
- BP Statistical Review of the World Oil Industry 1971-1976
- Badısche Geologısche Abhandlungen 1929-1937
- Der Balneologıe 1934-1943
- Banyaszati’es Kohaszati Lapok 1950
- Barış Dünyası 1966-1971
- Basic Statistics of the Community 1971-1977
- Battelle Research Outlook 1969-1975
- Battelle Technical Review 1965-1968
- Bayındırlık Dergisi (Fenni Kısım) 1935-1981
- Beitrage zur Geographie 1978-1991
- Beitrage zur Mineralogie und Petrologie=Contrıbutıons to Mineralogy and Petrology 1967-2000
- Belçika’nın Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-Belçika Ticareti Yıllık Rapor 1971-1985
- Belgrad.Zavod za Geolosko I Geofıziko Istrazivanje N.R.=Vesnik Serija A-Geologija
- Bergakademie 1954-1955
- Bergbau 1936-1938
- Berbau-Archıv 1959-1964
- Bergbauwissenschaften=Glückauf 1960-1972
- Berg und Hüttenmanische Monatsche 1947-1988
- Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft=European Journal of Mineralogy 1988-2000
- Berichte der Deutschen Keramischen Gesellschaft 1977-1986
- Berichte der Reichstelle für Bodenforschung-Wien 1941-1944
- Beszamolo a magyar allami földtani vitaüle seinek 1939-1944
- Bibliografia Geografii Polskiej 1918-1984
- Bibliografia Geologica Şi Geofizica A Romanici 1976-1985
- Bibliografia Geologiczna Polski 1953-1997
- Bibliografia Scientiae Naturalis Helvetica 1960-1995
- Bibliographic des sciences géologiques 1940-1949
- Bibliographie Mensuelle/Monthly Bibliography 1978-1999
- Bibliography and İndex of Geology.Exclusive of North America 1933-1986
- Bibliography and Subject Index of South African Geology 1963-1996
- Bibliography of Geology Publications in Bulgaria 1924-1964
- Bibliography of Geology and Related Sciences Concerning Egypt for the Period 1960-1973
- Bibliography of North American Geology 1966-1970
- Bibliography of Technical Reports İncluding the Newsletter 1949-1951
- Bibliography of Seismology 1978-1993
- Bibliothek der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 1992-1995
- Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen 1936-1939
- Bilgisayar 1979-1996
- Bilgisayar Pazarı 1991-1997
- Bilim Teknoloji Bülteni 1982-1993
- Bilim ve Teknik 1970-2000
- Bilimsel ve Teknik Yayınlar Aylık Duyuru Bülteni 1972-1980
- Binalar Sayımı(Belediye Teşkilatı Olan Yerlerde) 1970
- Biomass Digest 1981-1982
- Biotechnology and Bioengineering 1976-1981
- Birleşik Arap Cumhuriyeti’nin Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-B.A.C. Ticareti 1969-1987
- Bitumen-Teere, Asphalte-Peche und Vervandte Stoffe 1970-1975
- Biuletyn Geologiczny.Geology of Poland 1979-1988
- Biuletyn Geologiczny.Material Do Geologii Obszaru Slasko-Krakowskiego 1968-1971
- Biuletyn Geologiczny .Z Badan Czwartorzedu W Polsce 1971-1985
- Biuletyn Geologiczny .Z Badan Geofizycznych W Polsce 1973-1982
- Biuletyn Geologiczny .Z Badan Geologiczno-Inzyniedskisch W Polsce 1972-1980
- Biuletyn Geologiczny.Z Badan Geologicznych Nizu Polskiego 1976-1983
- Biuletyn Geologiczny.Z Badan Geologicznych Regionu Dolnaslaskiego 1969-1982
- Biuletyn Geologiczny.Z Badan Geologicznych Regionu Slasko-Krakowskiego 1971-1982
- Biuletyn Geologiczny .Z Badan Geologicznych Regionu Swietokrzyskiego 1966-1983
- Biuletyn Geologiczny.Z Badan Geologicznyh W Karpatach 1968-1984
- Biuletyn Geologiczny. Z Badan Hydrogeologicznych W Polsce. 1976-1982
- Biuletyn Geologiczny.Z Badan Mıcropaleontologicznych 1967
- Biuletyn Geologiczny.Z Badan Petrograficzno-Mineralogicz.I Geoc.W Polsce 1967-1981
- Biuletyn Geologiczny.Z Badan Polskich Geologow za Granica 1967-1982
- Biuletyn Geologiczny.Z Badan Stratigraficzno-Paleontologicznych W Polske 1967-1982
- Biuletyn Instytutu Geologicznego.Z Badan Zlöz Surowcow Mineralnyc W Polsce 1978-1982
- Biuletyn Instytutu Geolog.Z Badan Treciorzedu W Polsce 1979
- Biuletyn Instytutu Geologiczny.Z Badan Zlöz Kruszcow W Polsce 1971-1975
- Biuletyn Instytutu Geo.Z Badan Zlöl Sur Mineral.Polsce 1978-1982
- Biuletyn Geolog.Z Badan Zlöl Surow Skalnych W polsce 1968-1977
- Biuletyn Geolog. Z Badan Brun W Polsce 1968-1975
- Blatt für Patent-Muster u. Zeichewesen 1937-1944
- Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Dergisi.Sosyal Bilimler 1973-1974
- Bohrtechniker Zeitung 1936-1940
- Boletim da Universidade Fedral do Porona Geologia 1966-1967
- Boletim do Instıtuto de Geologia 1966
- Boletin del Instıtute Geologico Y Minero de Espa 1945-1967
- Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Historıa Natural ACTAS 1992-2000
- Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Histore Natural Sec.Biologica 1992-1999
- Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espanola de/Hist.Natural Seciton Geologica 1997-2000
- Boletim dos Serviços de Geologia e Minas de Angola 1960-1974
- Boletim Paranaense de Geociencias 1960-1997
- Boletin Geologico 1954-1963
- Boletin de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias la rep.Argentina 1927
- Boltin de la Meteorologica y Sismico 1926-1934
- Boletin de la Real Academia de Ciencias Barcelona 1928-1926
- Boletin de la Real Espanola de Historia Natural.Seccion Biologica 1950-1991
- Boletin de la Real Espanola de Historia Natural.Seccion Geologica 1970-1997
- Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural 1928-1970
- Boletin del Centro de Documentacion Cientifica y Technica de Mexico 1952-1961
- Boletin Geologica Y Minero 1968-2000
- Bolletino del R.Ufficio (Comitato) Geologico d’Italie Roma 1906-1981
- Bolletıno del Servizio Geologico D’Italia 1951-1996
- Bolletıno della Facolta di Ingegneria di Roma 1965
- Bollettino della Societa dei Naturalist in Napoli 1978-1995
- Bollettino della Societa Geologica Italiana 1882-2000
- Bollettino Della Societa Paleontologica Italiana 1965-2000
- Bollettino di Geofisica 1974-1987
- Books in the Earth Science and Related Topics 1982-2000
- Borsa Marmi 1967-1977
- Böhler Kaynak Dünyası 1973-1985
- Braunkohle 1935-1997
- Brenstoff-Chemie 1935-1969
- Breviora Geologica Astrurica 1957-1978
- Brigham Young University Geology Studies 1970-1999
- Britannica Books of the Year 1939-1973
- British Ceramic Transactions=Transactions and Journal of the British Ceramic Society 1977-2000
- British Corrosıon Journal 1977-1982
- The British Foundryman 1977-1982
- British Instıtute of Archaeology at Ankara.Annual Report 1972-1977
- British Journal of Applied Physics=Journal of Physics D Applied Physics 1971-1989
- British Museum (Natural History)Report 1972-1974
- British Museum(Natural History)Report 1972-1974
- The British National Bibliography 1959-1961
- British Power Engineering 1960-1962
- British Standarts Yearbook 1975-1977
- Buletini I Shkencave Gjeologjike 1982-1996
- Bulgaristan’ın Genel Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye ile Ticari İlişkileri 1986-1988
- Buletinul Societatii de Şiinte Geologice din R.S. Romania 1968-1970
- Bulletin Annual de I’L Association Geologique Auboise 1989-1999
- Bulletin British Museum(Natural History) Geology Series 1990-1992
- Bulletin d’Information de L’U.G.G.I 1951-1953
- Bulletin d’Information (Rusça) 1958-1960
- Bulletin D’Information et de Liaison 1976-1983
- Bulletin D’Information R and D sur Tech D’Ext.de L’Uranium 1980-1984
- Bulletin de Information de la Section des Sciences de la T.De L’Univ. 1969-1990
- Bulletin de L’Academie de Science de L’U.R.S.S. 1946
- Bulletin de la Commission Geologie de Finland 1966-1967
- Bulletin de la Communauté Economique Européenne 1964-1973
- Bulletin de la Direction des Mines Dakar 1952-1957
- Bulletin de L’Instıtute d’Egypte 1936-1939
- Bulletin de L’Ins. Géologique de I’Academie des Sciences de Bulgarıe 1951-1964
- Bulletin de Instıtut Geologique de la République Macédonienne 1951-1962
- Bulletın de L’Instıtut de Geologie du Bassin D’Aqutain 1966-1993
- Bulletin de L’Office National de la Géologie 1990-1991
- Bulletin de Mineralogie 1988
- Bulletin de L’Instıtut des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. 1947-1971
- Bulletin de L’Instıtut Royal Des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique BİOLOGİE 1975-1999
- Bulletin de L’Instıtut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique ENTOMOLOGIE 1973-1999
- Bulletın de L’Instıtut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique Sciences De La Terre 1980-1999
- Bulletin de L’Instıtute du Desert d’Egypte 1951-1955
- Bulletin de L’Instıtute International d’Organisations Scientifique du Travail 1927-1930
- Bulletin de la Societe Belge de Geologie-Geologie 1979-1993
- Bulletin de la Societe Belge de Géologie,de Paléontologie et de Hydrologie 1887-1979
- Bulletin de la Societe des Naturalistes Luxembourgeoıs SNL 1958-2000
- Bulletin de la Societe Française de Ceramique 1968-1980
- Bulletin de la Societe Française de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie 1938-1977
- Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France 1905-1983
- Bulletin de la Société Geologique et Mineralogique de Bretagne.Hercvnica 1964-1988
- Bulletin der Europaischen Gemeinschaften 1968-1981
- Bulletin de L’Unesco a L’Unesco a L’Intention des Bibliotheques 1971-1978
- Bulletin des Centres de Recherches Exploration-Production Elf-Aquitaine 1977-1997
- Bulletin des Communautes Europénnes 1975-1977
- Bulletin des Laboratoires de Geologie Mineralıgie Geophsique et du Musse Geologique De L’Universite de Lausanne. 1957-1997
- Bulletin des Sciences de la Terre de L’Universite de Poitiers 1969-1972
- Bulletin des Sciences Geologiques 1972-1995
- Bulletin du BRGM Hydrogeologie 1983-1996
- Bulletin du BRGM.Section I.Geologie de la France 1968-2000
- Bulletin du BRGM.Section II.Geologie Appliquée,Chronique des Mines 1968-1982
- Bulletin de BRGM.Section III.Hydrogéologie Géologie de I’Ingerieur 1968-1983
- Bulletin du BRGM.Section IV.Géologie Générale 1968-1981
- Bulletin de Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Miniéres 1963-1968
- Bulletin de Centre de Recherches Elf Exploration Production 1967-1998
- Bulletin du Musée Royal d’Histoire Naturelle Belgique 1882-1948
- Bulletin de Museum D’Histoire Naturelle de Belgrade 1980-1991
- Bulletin de Museum D’Histoire Naturelle de Marseilles.Mesogee 1946-1999
- Bulletin du Museum National D’Histoire Naturelle.Adonsonia 1982-2000
- Bulletin du Museum National D’Histoire Naturelle.Botanique 1879-1992
- Bulletin du Museum National D’Histoire Naturelle 4.Series Sec.C. Geodiversitas 1997-2000
- Bulletin du Museum National D’Histoire Naturelle.Miscellanea 1972-1992
- Bulletin du Museum d’Histoire Naturelle du Pays Serbe.Beograde 1948-1956
- Bulletin du Museum National D’Histoire Naturelle Sciences de la Terre 1971-1996
- Bulletin du Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle.Supplement 1972-1978
- Bulletin du Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle.Zoology 1895-1996
- Bulletin du Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle 4.Series.Sec.A Zoosystema 1997-2000
- Bulletin du Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle-Zoologie=Bulletin du Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle 4.Series.Sec.A Zoosystema 1997-2000
- Bulletin du Service de la Carte Geologique D’Alsace et de Lorraine=Bulletin des Sciences Geologiques 1920-1971
- Bulletin du Service Geologique du Royaume de Yugoslavie 1940-1957
- Bulletin du Service Geologique et Geophysique de la Rep. De la Serbie. 1959
- Bulletin et Comple Rendu de la Societe Geologique de France 1954
- Bulletin Geodesique.The Journal of the International Association of Geodesy. 1976-1991
- Bulletin Geologique(Montenegro) 1956-1976
- Bulletin Geologique.Geoloski Vesnik 1931-1938
- Bulletin İnternational des Sciences Sociales 1949-1954
- Bulletin Mensuel de Statistique 1936-1953
- Bulletin Mensuel du Commerce Exterieur/Bollettino Mensile del Commercio Estero=Monthly External Trade Bulletin 1976-1981
- Bulletin of Carnegie Museum of Natural History 1992-1998
- Bulletin of Nanjing Instıtute of Geology and Paleontology 1980-1990
- Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologist=American Association of Petroleum Geologists. 1933-2000
- Bulletin of the American Ceramic Society=American Ceramic Society Bulletin 1939-2000
- Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 1881-2000
- Bulletin British Museum=Bulletin of the British Museum(Natural History) Geology 1949-1990
- Bulletin of the British Museum(natural History)Geology Supplement 1965-1973
- Bulletin of the Central Geological Survey 1981-1995
- Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Science 1955-1995
- Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences 1980-1991
- Bulletin of the College of Science=Iraqı Journal of Science 1972-1977
- Bulletin of the Earth Science Faculty of ege Univ.Aegean Earth Sciences 1981
- Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Instıtute 1956
- Bulletin of the Geological Instıtutıons of the University of Uppsala.New Series 1941-1990
- Bulletin of the Geological Society of America=Geological Society of America 1890
- Bulletin of The Geological Society of Finland 1968-1999
- Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Great Britain 1951-1978
- Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece 1951-1999
- Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan 1958-2000
- Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network 1978-2000
- Bulletin of the Imperial Instıtute 1944-1948
- Bulletin of the Instıtute for Advanced Material Processing Tohoku Univ. 1992-1999
- Bulletin of the Instıtutıon of Mining and Metallurgy=Transaction 1946
- Bulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology 1981-1996
- Bulletin of the International Seismological Centre 1978-1992
- Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration Instıtute of Turkey 1954-1977
- Bulletin of the Mining Activities of Greece 1963-1976
- Bulletin of the National Science Museum 1954-1974
- Bulletin of the Oıl and Natural Gas Commission 1964-1965
- Bulletin of the Natural History Museum Geology Series=Bulletin British Museum(Natural History Geology Series) 1973-2000
- Bulletin of the Osaka Museum of Natural History 1973-1999
- The Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel 1951-1956
- Bulletin of the Research Instıtute of Mineral dressing and Metallurgy 1972-1991
- Bulletin of the School of Engineering and Architecture of Sakarya 1981
- Bulletin of the Scientific and Technical Documentation Centre 1955-1958
- Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 1947-1994
- Bulletin of the Strasimir Dimitrov Instıtute of Geology 1966
- Bulletin of the Regional Office for Science and Technology for South and Cent.Asia 1975
- Bulletin of the United States National Museum 1876-1877
- Bulletin of Volcanology 1949-2000
- Bulletin on the Activities of the Instıtute for Geology and Subsurface Research 1960-1968
- Bulletin Seismique 1951-1956
- Bulletin of Signaletiqe.Bibliographie des Sciences de la terre.Cahier E.224 Stratigraphie. Geologie Regionale.Geologie Generale. 1972-1988
- Bulletin Signalétique.Section 216.Sciences de la Terre III.Geologie-Paléontologie. 1969-1971
- Bulletin Signaletique 225 Tectonique Cahier F 1972-1988
- Bulletin Signaletique Bibliografie des Sciences de la Terre.Cahier H 227 Paleontologie 1972-1988
- Bulletin Stiintific.Section Geologie şi Geografie=Academia Republici Populare Romine.Bulletin Stiintific. Sectia Geologie şi Geografic.1956-1957
- Bulletin Trimestriel du Service d’Information Gelogique du Bureau 1958-1965
- Bulletins Mensuels Luxembourg 1946-1951
- Bulletin Volcanologique=Journal of the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interıor 1981-1984
- Bulletins of American Paleontology 1895-1999
- Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe.Testigkeitsbericht 1973-1999
- Bureau de Recherces Geologiques et Minieres.Principaux Resultate Scientifiques et Techniques 1982-1985
- Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres.Principaux Resultats Scientifiques Et Techniques-Resumes D’Principaux Resultats 1982-1996
- Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minires.Rapport Annuel 1990-1991
- Bureau de Statistiques Universitaires 1967-1992
- Bureau of Economic Geology.Annual Report 1974-1988
- Bureau of Economic Geology List of Pubications 1987-1990
- Bureau of Mines Research 1972-1986
- Bülten 1982-1983
- Bülten-Mühendis ve Mimar Odaları Birliği 1956-1957
- Büyük Anadolu Gazetesi 1992-1993
- Büyük Güç 1984-1985
- Büyük Modern Türkiye 1958-1960
- BRGM Bulletin Geochronique 1998-2000
- C.A.V. 1974-1975
- CMRS Annual Review 1983-1990
- CSIRO Instıtute of Energy and Earth Resources .Annual Report 1979-1987
- CSM Quarterly Rewiew of Engineering Science Education and Research=Quarterly of the Colorado School of Mines 1964-1986
- Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi 1984-1996
- Cumhuriyet Üniveristesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Madencilik Bilim ve Teknolojisi Dergisi 1993-1996
- Cahiers Géologique 1950-1966
- California Engineer 1981-1999
- California Geology=Mineral Information Service 1971-1996
- California Journal of Mines And Geology 1946-1958
- Canada.The Official Handbook of Present Conditions and Recent Progress 1968-1971
- Canadian Chemical Processing 1980-1984
- Canadian Instıtute of Mining and Metallurgy.Transaction 1930-1979
- Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 1964-2000 www.researchpress.nrc.co/
- Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 1976-1987
- The Canadian Mineral Industry 1971-1972
- The Canadian Mining and Metallurgical Bulletin 1938-2000 E-mail:cim@cim.org www.cim.org
- Canadian Mining Journal 1938-2000 E-mail:rperks@southam.ca
- Canadian Mining Journal Reference Manual and Buyer’s Guide 1974-1988
- Canadian Mining Manual 1961-1970
- Canadian Petroleum 1980-1984
- Canadian Plastics 1980-1989
- Canadian Renewable Energy News=Renewable Energy News 1981-1983
- Carbon 1973-1989
- Carnegie Instıtution.Annual Report of the Director Geophysical Laboratory 1963-1996
- Casopis Mdavskeho Musea 1949-1999
- Casopis Narodniho Muzea V Praze 1959-1999
- Casopis Pro Mineralogii a Geologii=Journal of the Czech Geological Society 1971-1991
- Catalogue of Foraminifera 1987-1994
- Catalogue of Mining Equıpment 1980-1981
- Catalogue of Ostracoda 1987-1994
- The Cement Industry=Industrıe du Ciment
- Census of Manufacturing Industrıes and Business Establishments:Manufacturing=Sanayi ve İşyerleri Sayımı: İmalat Sanayii 1927-1970
- Central Mining Instıtute Annual Report 1973-1979
- Central Mining Research Station Annual Report 1962-1991
- Ceramic Abstracts 1975-1994
- Ceramic Age 1977
- Ceramic Forum International 1983-2000
- Ceramic Industry 1953-1994
- Cezayir’in Ekonmik Durumu ve Türkiye-Cezayir Ticareti.Yıllık Rapor 1973-1986
- Chaleur et Industrie 1935-1936
- Chemica Scripta 1971-1977
- Chemical Abstracts.Key to the Worlds Chem 1927-1984
- Chemical And Engineering News 1946-1967
- Chemical Engineer 1977-2000 E-mail:first intial and surname followed by@icheme.org.uk
- Chemical Engineering 1951-1985
- Chemical Engineering Catalog 1974-1986
- Chemical Engineering Science 1976-1986
- Chemical Geology 1966-2000
- Chemical Review 1948-1950
- Chemical Technology(CHEMTECH) 1971-1988
- Chemie der Erde 1927-2000 www.urbanfischer.de/journals/chemid
- Chemie Incenibur Technik 1974-1978
- Cz-Chemie-Technik 1974-1986
- Chemiker-Zeitung.Chemie Technische Chemie Chemiewirtschaft 1935-1987
- Die Chemische Industrıe 1943-1944
- Chemisches Zentralblatt 1897-1969
- Chimia 1947-1950
- Chimie et Industrıe-Génie Chimique 1935-1973
- Chronıque de I’U.G.G.I 1957-1986
- Chronıque de la Recherche Miniere 1977-2000
- Chronıque des Mines d’Outre-Mer=Chronique des Mines et de la Recherche Miniére 1956-1967
- Chronıque des mines et de la Recherche Miniére 1967-1970
- La Chronique Mines Coloniales 1939-1940
- Civil Engineering 1966-1989
- Clay Minerals 1991-2000 www.minersoc.org
- Clays and Clay Minerals 1991-2000 E-mail:clmn@allenpress.com
- Coal Age 1932-1974
- Coal Mining 1936-1937
- Coal Research in Commonwealth Scientific and Industrıal Research Organization 1964-1971
- Coğrafya Araştırmaları Dergisi 1966-1975
- The Collera Guardian 1956-1961
- The Colliery Guardian 1935-1953
- Colonial Geology And Mineral Resources 1950-1956
- Coloquios de Paleontologia 1991-1999
- Colorado School of Mines Mineral Industries Bulletin=Mineral And Energy Resources 1969-1979
- Combustion and Flame 1966-1988
- Commentari dell’Ateneo di Brescia 1927-1936
- Commussion for the Geological Map of the World Bulletin 1963-1999 E-mail:ccgm@club-internet.tr
- Communications Series C:Biology And Geological Engineering 1986-1999
- Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia=Communications of the Geological Survey of South West Africa Namibia 1989-1996 Communications of the Geological Survey of South West Africa /Nambia 1985-1988
- Compandium=Erdöl und Kohle
- Composite Catalog 1970-1976
- The Compressed air Magazine 1935-1967
- Compte Rendu des Séances de la Sociéte et D’Histoire Naturelle de Geneve.Nouvelle Série 1971-1981
- Compte Rendue de la Sociéte Minéralogique de L’U.R.S.S. 1946-1967
- Compte-Rendu Sommaire des Séances de la Sociéte Géologique de France 1904-1989
- Comptes Rendus De L’Academie des Sciences.Lavie des Sciences 1984
- Comptes Rendus Hebmadaires des Sciences de L’Academie des Sciences Serie.L.Mathematique 1981-1988
- Comptes Rendus Hes des Sciences de L’Academie des Serie 2 Mecanique_Physique Chimie de la Terre Sciences DL’Univers. 1981-1988
- Comptes Rendus heb.des Seances de Academie.3.Serie.Sciences de la Vie. 1981-1988
- Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de L’Academie des Sciences.Serie Supplement Aux Séries A,B,C,D. 1915-1981
- Comptes Rendus Des Seances de la Serbe de Geologie 1964-1988
- Computer Contribution 1966-1970
- Computer And Geosciences 1980-2000
- Comunicaçoes Do Instıtuto Geologico e Mineiro=Comunicaçoes Dos Serviços Géologicos de Portugal 1924-1998
- Comunucari de Geografie 1965- 1967
- Conference on Application of X-Ray Analysis Proceedings=Advances in X-Ray Analysis 1971-1995
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Recerche=Publicazioni del Ceutro di studi per la Geologio dell’Appenniho 1955-1969
- Contrıbution from The Cushman Laboratory for Foramınıferal Research 1925-1966
- Contrıbutions from the Instıtute of Geology and Paleontology Tohoku Unıv. 1967-1975
- Contrıbutions To Geology=Rocky Mountain Geology 1962-1998
- Contrıbutions to Mineralogy and Petrology 1967-2000 www.springer.de
- Corpus Almanac and Canadian Sourcebook 1979-1988
- Cuadernos de Geologia 1970-1979
- Current Bibliography of Middle East Geology 1974-1994
- Current Geological And Geophysical Studies in Montana 1969-1973
- Czasopisma Geograficzne 1954-1993
- Çağdaş Fizik 1977-1988
- Çağdaş Yerel Yönetimler 1992-2000
- Çalışma Hayatımız 1971-1987
- Çekmece Nükleer Araştırma Merkezi.İlerleme Raporu 1967-1968
- Çekoslavakya’nın Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-Çekoslavakya Ticareti 1972-1987
- Çevre ve İnsan 1986-1996
- Çimento Bülteni=Çimento ve Beton Dünyası 1981-2000
- Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti’nin Genel Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye İle Ticari İlişkileri 1985-1987
- Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 1986-1998
- D.A.T.A. Book Electronics Information Series.Application Note 1977-1988
- D.A.T.A. Book Electronics Information Series.Transistors 1976-1989
- D.A.T.A.Book Electronics Information Series.DIODE=DATA Digest Diodes Discrete Semiconductors 1979-1989
- D.A.T.A.Book Electronıcs Information Series.Discontinued Transistors 1976-1987
- D.A.T.A. Book Electronics Information Series.Interface,Intergrated Cs=DATA Diegest Interface Intergrated Circuits 1977-1989
- D.A.T.A.Book Electronics Information Series.Linear Intergrated Circuits=DATA Digest Linear Intergrated Circuits 1988-1989
- D.A.T.A. Book Electronıc Informatıon Series Microcomputer Systems=DATA Digest Memory Intergrated Circuıts 1987-1989
- D.A.T.A. Book Electronıcs Information Series.Digital Intergrated Circuits=DATA Digest Digest Digital Intergrated Circuits 1988-1989
- D.A.T.A.Digest Digital Intergrated Circuits 1989-1990
- D.A.T.A. Digest Diodes Discrete Semiconductors 1990
- DSİ Bülteni 1967-2000
- DSİ Teknik Bülteni 1967-1980
- Danıştay Dergisi 1983-1994
- Danimarka’nın Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-Danimarka Ticareti 1973-1988
- Darı de Seama ale Şedintelor=Republica Socialista Rowauia Dari de Seama ale Şedintelor 1967-1989
- Dechanıana.Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen Vereins der Rheihlande und Westfalens 1844-1999
- Decheniana Beihefte 1977-1999
- Découvrir les Animaux 1970-1974
- Deep-Sea Research and Oceanographic Abstracts 1970-1979
- Deep Sea Research Part A-Oceanolographic Research Paper 1989-2000
- Deep Sea Research .Part B-Oceanographic Literature Review=Oceanographic Abstracts and Bibliography 1989-2000
- Delta 1983-1985
- Demiryolları Dergisi 1939-1950
- Demokrasi 1987-1992
- Denetim 1990-1992
- Deprem Araştırma Enstitüsü Bülteni 1973-1999
- Dergi 1955-1971
- Desiyab Bülteni 1983-1988
- Detay Haftalık Ekonomik Haber Dergisi 1989-1992
- Deutsche Bibliographie Das Deutsche Buch 1966-1978
- Das Deutsche Firmen Alphabet 1974
- Deutsch Turkische Gesellschaft E.V.Bonn Mitteilungen 1973-1983
- Deutsch Bibliographie das Deutsche Buch Auswahl Whictiger Neuerscheunungen 1966-1981
- Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı Bülteni 1970-1979
- Devlet Su İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü Haritalı İstatistik Bülteni 1969-1997
- Devlet Yatırım Bankası Yıllık Rapor 1976-1986
- Devir 1973-1974
- DSİ Haber Bülteni 1963-1969
- DSİ Yıllık Rapor 1962-1965
- Dış Ticaret Aylık İstatistik 1951-1973
- Dış Ticaret Kıymetleri.Ülke Grupları ve Ülkeler 1961-1984
- Dış Ticaret İstatistikleri 1967-1999
- Dicengxue Zazhi(Journal of Stratigraphy) 1978-1988
- Diesel And Gas Turbine Worldwide 1983-1991
- Discovery 1964-1966
- Documentation Métallurgiques 1949-1956
- Doğa Bilim Dergisi Seri :A 1983-1985
- Doğa Bilim Dergisi Seri :B=Doğa Mühendislik ve Çevre Bilimleri Dergisi 1976-1993
- Doğa Türk Mühendislik ve Çevre Bilimleri Dergisi 1990-1994
- Doğa Türk Yerbilimleri Dergisi=Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 1993-1994
- Doğu Türkistan’ın Sesi 1985
- Doklady of the Russian Academy Sciences U.S.S.R. Earth Sciences Sections=Doklady of the Russian Academy of Science Earth Sciences 1996
- Doklady of the Russian Academy of Sciences U.S.S.R. Earth Sciences Sections=Doklady of Academy of Sciences USSR Earth Sciences 1969-1996
- Dönemler İtibarıyla İmalat Sanayii İndex- 1982-1986 Yayın- 1978-1985
- Draeger Hefte 1935-1942
- Dünya Haberler Ajansı 1968-1969
- Dünya Maden Haberleri 1956-1974
- Düstur 1937-1992
- E.İ.E. Bülteni 1967-2000
- E.O.S. Transactions American Geophysical Union 1939-1992
- ESA Bulletin 1984-1995
- ESO İş Bülteni 1988-1989
- Earth and Life Science Editing 1983-1986
- Earth and Mineral Sciences 1970-1973
- Earth and Planetary Science Letters 1971-2000
- Earth Sciences Division.Annual Report 1977
- Earth-Science Editing 1975-1982
- Earth Science Reviews 1999-2000
- Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 1976-2000
- Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 1977-2000
- Earthquake Informatıon Bulletin 1973-1981
- Eclagae Geologicae Helvetica 1889-2000
- Economic Geology 1906-2000
- The Economist 1973-1998
- L’Economist d’Orient 1936-1949
- Edebiyat Fakültesi Araştırma Dergisi 1970-1972
- Editerra 1972-1977
- Ege Coğrafya Dergisi 1983-1996
- The Egyptıan Journal of Geology 1957-1985
- Eisen und Stahl 1973-1983
- Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart 1951-1976
- Ekonomik Basın Ajansı.Haftalık Özel Rapor 1974-1989
- Ekonomik Basın Ajansı Ticaret ve Yatırım Bülteni 1974-2000
- Ekonomik Bülten=Politik ve Ekonomik Bülten 1988-1994
- Ekonomist Aylık Ekonomik Veriler 1975-1986
- Electric Furnace Proceedings 1962-1977
- Electricitet 1977-1985
- Electronics 1950-1992
- Electronics Buyer’s Guide 1968-1985
- Electronics World and Wireles World 1975-2000
- Elektroteknik Mecmuası 1954-1956
- Emeklilerin Sesi 1970-1972
- Endeavour 1957-1976
- Endeavour.New Series 1977-1991
- Endüstri 1937-1958
- Energie Nucléaire 1957-1973
- Energy in Countries with Planned Economies 1977-1981
- Energiestatistik=Statistiques de L’Energie 1973-1976
- Energy Policy 1973-2001
- Energy Research and Development Administration 1977
- Energy World 1983-1986
- Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı..Yıllık Program ve Gerekçesi 1970
- Enformasyon Bülteni 1991-2000
- Engineering and Consruction World 1965-1970
- Engineering and Mining Journal 1920-2000
- Engineering Geology 1965-2000
- Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology=Inzenerna Geologiya İ Hidrogeologiya
- Entropie 1976-1983
- Environmental Geology=Environmental Geology and Water Sciences 1975-2000
- Environmental Sciences and Technology 1979-1988
- Episodes 1978-2000
- Erdoel Erdgas Zeitschrift 1973-1989
- Erdöl und Kohle 1973-1994
- Erzmetall 1969-1996
- Estudos,Notas e trabalhos do Serviço de Fomento Mineiro 1965-1994
- Etibank Bülteni=Etibank Vakfı Bülteni 1978-1992
- European Journal of Mineralogy 1988-2000
- Eurostat News Quarterly 1983-1989
- Evolution 1946-1988
- Excavation Engineer 1952-1965
- Exploration and Mining Geology 1992-1998
- Explorers Journal 1981
- L’Express 1979-1995
- Explosives Engineer 1936-1956
- E.İ.E. Bülteni 1967-2000
- E.O.S. Transactions American Geophysical Union 1939-1992
- ESA Bulletin 1984-1995
- ESO İş Bülteni 1988-1989
- Earth and Life Science Editing 1983-1986
- Earth and Mineral Sciences 1970-1973
- Earth and Planetary Science Letters 1971-2000
- Earth Sciences Division.Annual Report 1977
- Earth-Science Editing 1975-1982
- Earth Science Reviews 1999-2000
- Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 1976-2000
- Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 1977-2000
- Earthquake Informatıon Bulletin 1973-1981
- Eclagae Geologicae Helvetica 1889-2000
- Economic Geology 1906-2000
- The Economist 1973-1998
- L’Economist d’Orient 1936-1949
- Edebiyat Fakültesi Araştırma Dergisi 1970-1972
- Editerra 1972-1977
- Ege Coğrafya Dergisi 1983-1996
- The Egyptıan Journal of Geology 1957-1985
- Eisen und Stahl 1973-1983
- Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart 1951-1976
- Ekonomik Basın Ajansı.Haftalık Özel Rapor 1974-1989
- Ekonomik Basın Ajansı Ticaret ve Yatırım Bülteni 1974-2000
- Ekonomik Bülten=Politik ve Ekonomik Bülten 1988-1994
- Ekonomist Aylık Ekonomik Veriler 1975-1986
- Electric Furnace Proceedings 1962-1977
- Electricitet 1977-1985
- Electronics 1950-1992
- Electronics Buyer’s Guide 1968-1985
- Electronics World and Wireles World 1975-2000
- Elektroteknik Mecmuası 1954-1956
- Emeklilerin Sesi 1970-1972
- Endeavour 1957-1976
- Endeavour.New Series 1977-1991
- Endüstri 1937-1958
- Energie Nucléaire 1957-1973
- Energy in Countries with Planned Economies 1977-1981
- Energiestatistik=Statistiques de L’Energie 1973-1976
- Energy Policy 1973-2001
- Energy Research and Development Administration 1977
- Energy World 1983-1986
- Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı..Yıllık Program ve Gerekçesi 1970
- Enformasyon Bülteni 1991-2000
- Engineering and Consruction World 1965-1970
- Engineering and Mining Journal 1920-2000
- Engineering Geology 1965-2000
- Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology=Inzenerna Geologiya İ Hidrogeologiya
- Entropie 1976-1983
- Environmental Geology=Environmental Geology and Water Sciences 1975-2000
- Environmental Sciences and Technology 1979-1988
- Episodes 1978-2000
- Erdoel Erdgas Zeitschrift 1973-1989
- Erdöl und Kohle 1973-1994
- Erzmetall 1969-1996
- Estudos,Notas e trabalhos do Serviço de Fomento Mineiro 1965-1994
- Etibank Bülteni=Etibank Vakfı Bülteni 1978-1992
- European Journal of Mineralogy 1988-2000
- Eurostat News Quarterly 1983-1989
- Evolution 1946-1988
- Excavation Engineer 1952-1965
- Exploration and Mining Geology 1992-1998
- Explorers Journal 1981
- L’Express 1979-1995
- Explosives Engineer 1936-1956
- F.Ü. Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi=Journal of Fırat Univ.Science and Technology 1993-1999
- Fachserie M Preise Löhne Wırtschaftsrechnungen Reihe 1 1966-1971
- Fachserie M Preise Löhne Wırtschaftsrechnungen Reihe 2 1966-1971
- Fachserie M Preise Löhne Wırtschaftsrechnungen Reihe 3 1966-1971
- Fachserie M Preise Löhne Wırtschaftsrechnungen Reihe 9 1966-1971
- Facies 2000
- Factory Management and Maintenance 1948-1952
- Facultad de Ciencias Universidad de Oviedo.Trabajos Geologia 1967-1978
- Fas’ın Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-Fas Ticaret İlişkileri 1975-1986
- Federal Almanya’nın Genel Ekonomik Durumu Türkiye-Federal Almanya Ticareti 1969-1988
- Federal Instıtute for Geosciences and Natural Resources.Activity Report 1979-1981
- Federation des Chambres Syndicales des Minerals et Metaux Bruts 1970-1978
- Felsmechanic und Ingeneurgeologie=Rock Mechanics
- Fiches Analytiques de la Presse Technique Française 1967-1970
- Fertilizer Abstracts 1968-1981
- Fertilizer International 1987-1991
- Fertilizer Market Bulletin 1982
- La Feuille des Naturalistes 1946-1952
- Finantical Times European Energy Report 1979-1991
- First Break 1985-2000
- Finlandiya’nın Genel Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-Finlandiya Ticareti 1970-1987
- Fiyat İndexleri 1984-1987
- Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh=Soviet Mining Science
- The Ford Foundation Annuel Report 1969-1972
- Forefront 1978-2000
- Freign Trade.Analytical Tables-CST.Export=Aussenhandel.Analytische Übersichten-CST.Export 1971-1975
- Foreign Trade.Analytical Tables-CST.Import=Aussenhandel.Analytische Übersichten-CST.Import
- Foreign trade Analytical Tables-Nimexe.Volume:B-Mineral Products=Auseenhandel.Analytische Übersichten-Nimexe.Band B: Mineralische Stoffe 1971-1975
- Forschritte der Mineralogie=European Journal of Mineralogy 1947-2000
- Forschungen und Fortschritte 1966-1967
- Fortschrittsbericht=Zentralen Geologischen Instıtut.Forschrittsbericht. 1972
- Fortune 1980-1983
- Forschungen und Forschritte 1943-1965
- Foundry Trade Journal 1937-1990
- Foundry Yearbook 1978-1982
- Földrajzi Közlemenyek 1969-1994
- Földtani Közlöny 1941-1998
- Földutudomanyok 1990
- Fransa’nın Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-Fransa Ticareti 1970-1986
- Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry 1989-1994
- Fresenius Zeitschrift für Analytische Chemie=Zeitschrift für Analytische Chemie
- Fuel 1966-1993
- Fuel Abstracts and Current Titles 1964-1977
- Fuel and Energy Abstracts 1978-1988
- Fuel Processing Technology 1977-1988
- Fundberichte Aus Baden-Württenberg 1974-1996
- Fundeberichte Aus Schwaben 1967-1978
- GAEA Heidelbergensis 1995-1998
- GSA Today 1996-1999
- Gas and Oil Power 1993-1948
- Gas Chromatography Abstracts 1958-1964
- Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 1986-1998
- Gems and Gemology 1935-2000
- Gençliğin Sesi 1968-1969
- Genel Nüfus Sayımı:Daimi İkametgaha Göre İç Göçler 1970-1985
- Genel Nüfus Sayımı.İdari Bölünüş 1970-1991
- Genel Nüfus Sayımı .Nüfusun Sosyal ve Ekonomik Nitelikleri 1980-1984
- Genel Nüfus Sayımı Örnekleme Sonuçları 1970-1981
- Génie Chimique=Chimie et Industrie 1957-1966
- La Génie Civil 1935-1952
- Geo.Abstracts.Landforms and The Quarternary=Geophysical Abstracts.Physical Geography 1975
- Geo.Abstracts Sedimentology=Georaphical Abstracts Physical Geography 1975
- Geobios.Paleontologie,Stratigraphie,Paleoecologie 1974-1980
- Geochemistry 1985
- Geochemistry International 1968-1996
- Ceochemistry,Mineralogy and Petrology=Geohimiya,Mineralogiya İ Petrologiya 1975-1999
- Geochimica 1976-1986
- Ceochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 1987-2000
- Ceochronique=Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres 1990-1991
- Geodezia es Kartografia 1964-2000
- Geodinamica Acta 1930-1994
- Geoxploration=Journal of Applied Geophysics 1966-2000
- Geofisica Pura e Applicata=Pure and Applied Geophysics 1960-2000
- Geofiziçeskiy Sbornik 1962-1969
- Geographica Medica 1982-1991
- Geographia Plonica 1965-1977
- Geographical Abstracts Physical Geography 1989-1994
- The Geographical Journal 1955-2000
- The Geographical Review 1947-1996
- Geographischer Jahresbericht aus Österreich 1953-1986
- Geohimiya Mineralogiya İ Petrologiya 1975-1999
- Geohimiya Translations 1964-1979
- Geolines 1994-1999
- Geologia Colombiana 1962-1999
- Geologia Croatica=Geoloski Vjesnik 1947-1991
- Geologica Balcanica 1975-1999
- Geological Belgica 1998-2000
- Geologica et Paleontologica 1967-2000
- Geologica Hungarica Series Geologica 1966-1986
- Geologica Hungarica.Series Paleontologica 1967-1992
- Geologica Romana 1962-1998
- Geological Abstracts 1982-2000
- Geological Bulletin of Turkey=Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 1947-1974
- The Geological Bulletin of the Panjab University 1961-1977
- Geological Correlation 1974-1999
- Geological Journal 1952-1980
- Geological Literature of USSR.Bibliographical Yearbook=Geologiçeskaya Literature SSSR.Bibliografiçeskiy Ejegodnik 1984-1998
- Geological Magazine 1911-2000
- Geological Newsletter=Episodes 1967-1978
- Geological Society of American Bulletin 1926-1999
- Geological Survey of India News 1979-1990
- Geological Survey of Israel Current Research 1980-1998
- Geological Transactions and Reports=Geologija Razprave in Porocila 1953-2000
- Geologicke Prace 1953-1995
- Geologiçeskaya Literatura SSSR.Bibliograiçeskiy Ejegodnik 1984-1998
- Geologiçeskiy Jurnal 1965-1994
- Geologie.Mit Beiheften 1952-1972
- Geologie Alpine 1967-1992
- Geologie en Mijnbouw 1946-2000
- Geologie in Hessen 1996
- Geologie Mediterranenne 1974-1998
- Geologija Razprave in Porocila 1953-2000
- Geologija 1991-1999
- Geologijcs Akıracıaı Lietuves Geologu Sajunges Zurnals 1995-2000
- Geologische Bundesanstalt Jahresbericht 1982-1997
- Geologische Rundschau 1927-1992
- Geologisches Jahrbuch 1943-1975
- Geologisches Jahrbuch Hessen 1976-1998
- Geologisches Jahrbuch.Reihe A. 1982-1994
- Geologisches Jahrbuch Reihe B. 1983-1999
- Geologisches Jahrbuch Reihe C. 1983-1995
- Geologisches Jahrbuch .Reihe D. 1982-1994
- Geologisches Jahrbuch.Reihe E. 1989-1995
- Geologisches Jahrbuch Reihe F. 1984-1994
- The Geologists Year Book 1977
- Geology Boulder 1981-1999
- Geoloski Anali Balkanskoga Poluostrva 1932-1998
- Geoloski Glasnik 1955-1985
- Geoloski Vjesnik 1947-1991
- Geomechanics Abstracts and Internatıonal Journal of Rock Mechenics and Mining Sciences=International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and Geomechanics Abstracts 1964-2000
- Geomorfologiya 1978-1995
- Geonews 1968-1976
- Geophysica 1985-1999
- Geophysical Abstracts(Norwich) 1977-1981
- Geophysical Abstracts(Washington) 1938-1971
- The Geophysical Directory 1959-1999
- Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 1974-1988
- Geophysical Prospecting 1953-2000
- Geophysical Research Bulletin 1977-985
- Geophysical Research Letters 1974-1978
- Geophysical Supplements 1922-1966
- Geophysical Surveys=Surveys in Geophysics 1982-1985
- Geophysics 1936-1999
- Geophysik und Geologie.Untersuchung Des Gestörten Lockergebirges 1960-1987
- Geoscience Journal 2000
- Geoscience Reports of Shızuoka University 1983-1999
- Geosound Yerbilimcinin Sesi=Geosound Yerbilimleri 1999
- Geostandards Newsletter 1981-2000
- Géotechnique 1985
- Geotectonics 1971-1996
- Geotectonics,Tectonophysics and Geodynamics 1975-1992
- Geotektonika=Geotectonıcs 1971-1996
- Geotectonısche Forschungen 1966
- Geothermal Energy Magazine 1979
- Gothermal Hotline 1973-1996
- Geothermal 2000
- Geothermal World Directory 1976
- Geothermics 1972-2000
- Geotimes 1958-2000
- Geotitles Weekly 1974-1984
- Gerlands Beitrage zur Geophysik 1938-1988
- Giornale dı Geologia 1926-1999
- Global and Planetary Change 1993-2000
- Gluckauf 1906-1994
- Glückauf Forschungshefte 1965-1995
- Glückauf Mining Reporter 1992-1998
- Gold Bulletin 1977-1988
- Grafici et note rapide sulla Congiuntura nella Comunita=Graphiques et notes rapides sur la Conjoncture dans la Communauté 1964-1978
- Grana Palynologica an International Journal of Plynology 1960-1982
- Graphiques et notes Rapides sur la Conjoncture dans la Communaté 1964-1978
- The Green African Directory 1982
- The Green American Telex Directory 1982
- The Green Continental Telex Book Asia-Australia Edition 1982
- The Green Continental Telex Book,Europen Edition 1982
- Guıde to Scientıfıc Instrıments 1982-1985
- Güçlü Çağ 1981-1982
- Güncel Avrupa 1996-1999
- Günlük Yağış Dağılışı Bülteni 1963-1973
- H.P.I. 1974-1978
- Hacettepe Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 1971-1974
- Hamdard İslamicus 1979-1999
- Harita Dergisi 1959-1982
- Harita ve Kadastro Mühendisliği 1993-2000
- Hayat Tarih Mecmuası 1965-1976
- Hazine ve Dış Ticaret Dergisi 1990-1994
- Heat Transfer And Fluıd Flow Digest 1978-1994
- Helvetica Chimica Acta 1946-1953
- Hidroloji Mecmuası 1952-1959
- Hidro-Meteoroloji 1926-1976
- Hollanda’nın Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-Hollanda Ticareti 1970-1987
- Hydrometallurgy 1975-2000
- IAGA News 1963-1966
- ICP Information Newsletter 1985-2000
- IGA News 1991-1999
- IMM Abstracts 1961-1989
- International Nannoplankton Association Newsletter 1983-1992
- ITC Journal 1982-1996
- Important for the Future 1975-1982
- Indıan Geoscience Abstracts 1983-1988
- Industrıal and Engineering Chemistry=Chemical Technology 1929-1968
- Industrıal and Engineering Chemistry .Analytical Edition 1929-1938
- Industrıal and Engineering Chemistry..Process Design and Development 1966-1987
- Industrıal Minerals 1967-2000
- Industrıal Productıon 1983-1989
- Industrıal Research 1973-1981
- Industrıal Statistics,Industrıestatistik,Industrıestatistiek=Statistiques Industrielles 1973-1978
- Industrial World 1958-1988
- L’Industrıe Céramique 1955-1987
- L’Industrıe Chımıque 1935-1966
- L’Industrıe des Métaux Non Ferreux 1970-1983
- Industrıe Minerale 1972-1989
- İnitial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 1951-1973
- Institute of Geological Sciences.Annual Report 1965-1981
- Instıtute of Petroleum.Abstracts=International Petroleum Abstracts 1971-1987
- Instıtute of Petroleum Journal=Journal of the Instıtute of Petroleum 1966-1973
- Instıtutions of Mining and Metallurgical Transaction.Section A 1946-2000
- Instıtutul Geologie şi Geofizica Anuarul Instıtutuluı de Geologie şi Geofizica 1950-1991
- Instıtutul Geologic.Studii Tehnice şi Economice=Republica Socialista Romania Studii Tehnice şi Economice
- Interbrick Tiles-Pipes-Bricks=Tile and Brick International 1987-2000
- Interceram International Ceramic Review=International Ceramic Review (Interceram) 1986-2000
- International Association of Bulletin of Engineering Geology(IAEG)=Bullletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology 1981-1996
- International Atomic Energy Agengy Bulletin 1980-1988
- International Businesweek 1981-1989
- International Ceramic Review(Interceram) 1986-2000
- International Coal Letter 1984-1986
- International Coal Report 1985
- International Commission on the History of Geological Sciences 1982-1987
- International Geology Review 1969-2000
- International Industry 1957-1987
- International Journal of Coal Geology 1980-2000
- International Journal of Energy Research 1978-1983
- International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 1977-1982
- International Journal Mineral Procesing 1974-2000
- International Journal of Remote Sensing 1980-2000
- International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and Geomechanic Ab. 1964-2000
- International Journal of Surface Mining and Reclamation(ISJM) 1992-2000
- International Materials Reviews 1987-2000
- International Metals Reviews=International Materials Reviews 1972-1986
- International Mining 1984-1990
- International Petroleum Abstracts 1971-1987
- International Science and Technology 1963-1968
- International Union of Geological Sciences.Circular Letter 1966
- International Working Group(IWG)=Geostandards Newsletter 1981-2000
- Inzenerna Geologiya İ Hidrogeologiya 1975-1997
- Irak’ın Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-Irak Ticareti 1971-1988
- Iraqı Journal of Science=Bulletin of the College of Science 1977-1982
- Iron Age 1938-1985
- Iron Age Metalworking International 1977-1982
- Iron and Coal=Steel and Coal 1937-1961
- Eisen and Stahl=Iron Coal 1937-1961
- Iron and Steel Bulletin.Quarterly 1983-1987
- Iron and Steel Engineer 1976-1990
- Iron ans Steel International 1975-1982
- Ironmaking and Steelmaker 1976-1987
- Ironmaking and Steelmaking 1976-1982
- Irrıgation Science 1978-1982
- Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği 1978-1992
- Israel Journal of Earth Sciences 1964-1998
- İzvestiya Akademii.Nauk.Armyankoy SSR.Nauki O Zemlye 1962-1981
- İzvestiya Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kırgızstan 1965-1991
- İzvestiya Akademii Nauk Kasahskoy SSR Seriya Geologiçeskaya=İzvestiya Akadeii Nauk Respubliki Kazahstan Seriya Geologiçeskaya 1977-1992
- İzvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Seriya Geologiçeskaya 1977-1992
- İzvestiya,Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics 1970-1974
- Izvestiya Na Geologiçeskaya Instıtut.Seriya Injenerna Geologiya I Hidrogeologiya 1967-1974
- Izvestiya Na Geologiçeskiya Instıtut.Geochemistry .Mineralogy and Petrography. 1968-1973
- Izvestiya Na Geologiçeskiya Instıtut.Series Geotectonics 1969-1974
- Izvestiya Na Geologigeskiya Instıtut.Geotectonics,Stratigraphy and Lythology 1967-1974
- Izvestiya Na Geologiçeskiya Instıtut.Metallic and Non-Metallic Mineral Deposits. 1969-1974
- Izvestiya Na Geologiçeskaya Instıtut.Serie Paleontology. 1968-1974
- Izvestiya Natsionalnay Akademii Nauk Respubliki KazahstanSeriyoGeologiçeskaya=İzvesyiya Akademii Nauk Kazahkoy SSR SeriyaGeologiçeskaya 1992-1993
- Izvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth 1965-1995
- İletişim Merkezi Basın Ajansı.Haftalık Ekonomi Bülteni 1983-1985
- İTÜ Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanlığı Haber Bülteni 1985
- İçtihat Bülteni 1973-1988
- İktibas 1981-1983
- İktisadi Kalkınma Vakfı Dergisi 1996-2000
- İktisadi Rapor 1977-1989
- İktisadi Yükseliş 1961-1969
- İktisat ve Maliye 1971-1982
- İller Bankası Dergisi 1987
- İlmi ve Kazai İçtihatlar Dergisi 1961-1995
- İngiltere’nin Ekonomik Durumu 1969-1987
- İnsan Hakları Yıllığı 1983-1994
- İran’ın Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-İran Ticareti 1969-1988
- İspanya’nın Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-İspanya Ticareti 1969-1986
- İstanbul Devlet Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Akademisi Dergisi 1977-1981
- İstanbul Maden İhracatçıları Birliği=İstanbul Maden ve Metaller İhracatçıları Birliği 1988-1990
- İstanbul Sanayi Odası Dergisi 1996-1999
- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi 1943-1994
- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Bülteni 1980-1996
- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi’nden Haberler 1978-1980
- İstanbul Üniversitesi Coğrafya Enstitüsü Dergisi 1951-1977
- İstanbul Üniversitesi Deniz Bilimleri ve Coğrafya Enstitüsü Bülteni 1984-1985
- İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Matematik Dergisi 1942-1994
- İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Mecmuası Seri A=İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Matematik Dergisi 1987-1990
- İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Mecmuası Seri B 1942-1981
- İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi,Astronomi ve Fizik Dergisi 1954-1997
- İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fak.Mecmuası Seri C.Astronomi-Fizik-Kimya=İ.Ü. Fen Fak.Astronomi ve Fizik Dergisi 1987-1989
- İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fak.Dergisi Seri A 1951-1999
- İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fak.Dergisi Seri B 1979-1997
- İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayınları Bibliyografyası 1966-1977
- İstanbul Yerbilimleri 1981-1999
- İstatistiklerle Türkiye 1994-1995
- İstihbarat Basın Ajansı.Haftalık Dış Firma Talepleri ve İhale Bülteni 1988
- İstihbarat Basın Ajansı.Haftalık Siyasi Ekonomik Aktualite Haber ve Yorum Bülteni 1987-1988
- İsveç’in Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-İsveç Ticareti 1972-1987
- İsviçre’nin Genel Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye İle Ticari İlişkiler 1969-1988
- İşgücü Dergisi 1979-1981
- İş ve Hukuk 1981-1990
- İş ve İşçi Bulma Kurumu Bülteni 1976-1985
- İş ve İşçi Bulma Kurumu İstatistik Yıllığı 1984-1990
- İşveren 1963-1988
- İtalya’nın Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-İtalya Ticareti.Yıllık Rapor 1969-1986
- İzmir Ticaret Odası Dergisi 1940-1989
- Jahrbuch der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1925-1940
- Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 1979-2000
- Jahrbuch der k.k. Geologischen Reichsanstalt Wien 1935-1977
- Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Geologischen Gesellschaft 1914-1921
- Jahrbuch der Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt 1880- 1936
- Jahrbuch der Reichsstelle für Bodenforschung 1937-1942
- Jahrbuch des Schweizer Alpenclub 1910-1923
- Jahrbuch des Staatlichen Museums für Miner.u.Geol.zu Dresden 1962-1964
- Jahresberichte derk.ung.Geol.Ansalt=A Magyar Allami Földtane İntezet Evi Jelentése 1925-1999
- Jahresbericht Deutches Hydrographisches Instıtute 1955-1989
- Jahresberichte u Mittelilungen des Öberrheinischen Geol.Vereines 1926-1937
- Jahreshefte des Geologischen Landesamtes 1955-1991
- Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography 1922-1975
- Japanese Technical Abstracts 1986
- Japanese Technical Abstracts Index 1986
- Japonya’nın Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-Japonya Ticareti 1972-1987
- Jena Review 1971-1991
- Jeodezi Bülteni 1969-1977
- Jeofizik 1966-1995
- Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası Haber Bülteni 1991-2000
- Jeoloji Mühendisliği 1991-1998
- Jeomorfoloji Dergisi 1969-1993
- Jeotermal Enerji 1978
- Jeweler’s Circular-Keystone 1978-1983
- JOIDES Journal 1987-1993
- Journal of American Water Works Association 1978-1983
- Journal of Applied Chemistry And Biotechnology 1976-1978
- Journal of Applied Geophsics 1966-2000
- Journal of Applied Physics 1948-1993
- The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology 1962-1976
- The Journal of Chemical Physics 1933-1984
- Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 1979-1983
- The Journal of Earth Sciences Nagoya University 1987
- The Journal of Fırat University Science and Technology=F.Ü.Müh.Bilimleri Dergisi 1986-1989
- Journal of Geochemical Exploration 1972-2000
- The Journal of Geology 1929-2000
- Journal of Geology of the United Arab Republic 1960-1973
- Journal of Geophysical Research 1956-2000
- Journal of Geophysics=Zeıtschrift für Geophysik 1983
- Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 1984-1985
- Journal of Metals 1949-1988
- Journal of Mining Science=Soviet Mining Science 1991-2000
- Journal of Natural History 1967-2000
- Journal of Paleontology 1968-2000
- Journal of Petroleum Geology 1978-2000
- Journal of Petroleum Technology 1949-1989
- Journal of Petrology 1960-1999
- Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 1971-1989
- Journal of Physics of the Earth 1975-1991
- Journal of the Technical Association of Refrectorıes 2000
- Journal of Research of the U.S.Geological Survey 1973-1978
- Journal of Science of the Hiroshima Univ.Ser.C.Earth And Plan.Scie.=Geology and Mineralogy 1994-1998
- Journal of Science of the Hiroshima Univ.Series C.Geology and Mineralogy=Earth and Planetory Sciences 1968-1994
- Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research,India 1952
- Journal of Sedimentary Petrology=Journal of Sedimentary Research 1987-1994
- Journal of Sedimentary Research Section A:Sediment.Petro.and Processes=Journal of Sedimantary Petrology 1931-1995
- Journal of Sedimentary Research Section A=Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 1931-1995
- Journal of Sedimentary Research A,B 1995-2000
- The Journal of Soil Science 1970-1987
- Journal of Structural Geology 1980-2000
- Journal of Thermal Sciences and Technology=Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği
- The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1956-1961
- Journal of the American Ceramic Society 1940-2000
- The Journal of the American Chemical Society 1929-1960
- Journal of the Australian Instıtute of Metals=Metals Forum 1969-1978
- Journal of the Chemical Society 1960
- Journal of the Czech Geological Society=Casopis Pro Minerologii a Geologia 1994-1999
- Journal of the Earth and Space Physics 1972-1993
- Journal of the Electrochemical Society 1976-1984
- Journal of the Faculty of Science Hokkaido University 1925-1994
- Journal of the Geological Society 1971-1983
- Journal of the Geological Society of Iraq 1968-1988
- The Journal of the Geological Society of (Tokyo) Japan 1893-1949
- Journal of the Geological Society of Korea 1967-1973
- Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division 1977-1985
- Journal of the Geothermal Research Society of Japan 1989-2000
- Journal of the Instıtute of Energy 1983-1985
- Journal of the Instıtute of Petroleum 1966-1973
- Journal of the Instıtute of Science and Technology of Gazi University 1969-2000
- Journal of the International Association for Mathematical Geology 1969-1987
- Journal of the Iraqı Chemical Society 1976-1984
- The Journal of the Iron and Steel Instıtute 1946-1949
- Journal of the Less Common Metals 1977-1988
- Journal of the Mining College Akita University 1961-2000
- Journal of the South African Instıtute of Mining and Metallurgy 1979-1992
- Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 1911-1915
- Journal of the Volcanology and Geothermal Research 1976-2000
- Kamu İktisadi Teşebbüsleri Genel Raporu 1988-1996
- Kanada’nın Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-Kanada Ticareti 1972-1987
- Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Dergisi 1979-1981
- Karadeniz Üniversitesi Dergisi 1984
- Karadeniz Üniversitesi Yerbilimleri Dergisi 1982-1984
- Karayolları Genel Müdürlüğü Teknik Bülteni 1980-1991
- Der Karınthın 1953-1987
- Karma Ekonomi 1960-1971
- Kaynak 1982-1991
- Kazakistan Geologiyası 1994-1995
- Keramische Zeıtschrift 1974-1997
- Key to Turkish Science.Chemistry 1967-1972
- Kılınç Ekonomik Haber Ajansı 1983-1986
- Kısa Haberler 1978-1981
- Kimya Mühendisliği 1962-1985
- Kohle.Coal.Charbon 1980-1985
- Krystalınıkum.Contrıbutıons to the Geology and Petrology of Cry.Com. 1962-1976
- Kohlenwasserstoffe.Hydrocarbons.Hydrocarbures 1980-1985
- Konjonktür 1940-1982
- G.Kore’nin Genel Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye ile Ticari İlişkileri 1985-1987
- Köy Hizmetleri Bülteni 1984-1990
- Kumamoto Journal of Science Geology 1953-1984
- Kuveyt’in Genel Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye Kuveyt Ticareti 1969-1987
- Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti Genel Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye İle Ticari İlişkileri 1985-1987
- Kwartalnik Geologiczny 1957-2000
- Lapidary Journal 1978-2000
- Lead 1985-1987
- Leidse Geologischen Mededemingen 1925-1985
- Lethaia 1968-1987
- Letzebuerger Entomolgech Zeitschrift 1983-1989
- Library Journal 1966-1993
- Library Congress Cataloging Service Bulletin 1981-1988
- Library of Congress Information Bulletin 1972-1987
- İl Libro Svizzero=Das Scwitzer Buch Serie A,B.
- Libya’nın Genel Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye İle Ticari İlişkileri 1987
- List of Translations Notified to ETC=World Index of Scientific Translations 1967-1971
- Liste Mensuelle D’Articles Selectionnos=Monthly Bibliography Selected Articles 1945-1968
- Lithology and Mineral Resources 1972-2000
- Lithologiya I Poleznye Iskopaemye=Lithology and Mineral Resources 1972-2000
- Liverpool and Manchester Geological Journal=Geological Journal 1952-1980
- Le Livre Suısse=Das Schweitzer Buch.Serie A,B
- Lyon Universite des Sciences Laboratoıre de Geologie,Documenta 1966-1997
- MTA Enstititü Dergisi 1936-1983
- MTA Doğal Kaynaklar ve Ekonomi Bülteni 1992-1999
- MTA Haberleri 1982-1990
- MTA Enstitüsü Maden Haberleri Bülteni 1973-1991
- Macaristan’ın Genel Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye İle Ticari İlişkileri 1986-1987
- Machinery Llyod 1977-1983
- Maden 1949-1954
- Maden 1949-1995
- Maden İstatistikleri=Madencilik ve Taşocakçılığı İstatistikleri 1959-1996
- Maden Mecmuası 1958-1967
- MTA Enstitüsü Bilanço ve Yıllık Rapor 1942-1971
- Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi 1983-1998
- Maden ve Metal Piyasaları 1973-1976
- Madencilik 1960-1998
- Madencilik Bülteni 1989-1998
- A Magyar Allamı Földteni Intezet Evi Jelentese=A Magyar Allami Földteni Intezet Evi Jelentése 1925-1999
- A Magyar Allamı Földteni Intezet Evkönye 1946-1991
- Mainzer Naturwissenschatfliches Archiv 1968-1981
- Makina Kimya Endüstrisi Kurumu Dergisi 1983-1996
- Malakazzoologische Blatter 1854-1891
- Malezya’nın Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-Malezya Ticari İlişkileri 1984-1986
- Mali Hukuk 1987-1993
- Maliye Dergisi 1973-1999
- Mammalia 1965-1992
- Manadlige Bulletin Over Udenrigshandelen.Monatsbulletin der Aussenhandelsstati=Montly External Trade Bulletin 1976-1981
- Marine Affairs Bibliography 1988-1992
- Marine Geodesy 1977-1986
- Marine Geology 1968-2000
- Marine Geophysical Researches 1970-2000
- Marine Micropaleontology 1976-2000
- Marmara Üniversitesi Dergisi 1985-1989
- Marmi Graniti Pietre 1970-1991
- Materials and Geoenvironment 1998-1999
- La Mattonella 1968-1974
- Mavi Gezegen 1999
- Mécanique des Roches=Rock Mechanics 1963-2000
- Mededelingen Rijks Geologische Dienst Nieuwu Serie 1962-1998
- Mein Schöner Garten 1975-1991
- Memoire degli Istıtuti di Geologia e Mineralogia dell’Universita di Padova=Memoire di Science Geologische 1967-1977
- Les Memoires et Etudes Scientiques Revue de Metallurgie 1976-1989
- Les Memoires Scientifiques de la Revue de Metallurgie=Les Memoires et Etudes Scientiques Revue de Metallurgie 1988
- Memoirs of Nanjing Instıtute of Geology and Paleontology 1983-1984
- Memoirs of the Faculty of Science Kyushu University Series D-Earth and Planetary Sciences 1991-1999
- Memoirs of the Faculty of Science Kyushu University Series D-Geology=Memoirs of the Faculty of Science Kyushu University Series D-Earth and Planetary Sciences 1972-1991
- Memoirs of the National Museum 1973-2000
- Memori General(Ins.Geo.y min de Espana) 1948-1966
- Memorias e Noticias 1991-1995
- Memorias de la Sociedad Cubana de Historia Natural 1915-1943
- Memorias y Comunicaciones 1957
- Memorie della Societa Geologica Italiana 1962-1999
- Memorie di Scienze Geologiche 1977-1999
- Memorie Geopaleontologiche 1964-1976
- Memur 1941-1947
- The Mercian Geologist 1966-1989
- Mesa Journal 1996-2000
- Metal Age 1953-1963
- Metal and Mineral Markets=Metals Week 1967-2000
- Metal Bulletin 1935-2000
- Metal Bulletin Monthly 1971-2000
- Metal Digest 1982-1984
- Metal Dünyası 1993-1997
- Metal Industry 1942-1965
- Metal Maden 1992-2000
- Metal Mining and Processing Formerly 1964
- Metal Progress 1966-1986
- Metal Science 1977-1983
- Metal Statistics 1946-1999
- Metal ve Maden Haberleri 1970-1973
- Metall 1970-1988
- Metall Zeitschrift für Technik,Industrıe und Handel 1937-1970
- Metall u.Erz.=Zeitschrift für Erzbergbau u.Metallhüttenwesen 1920-1969
- Metallgeselschaft 1959-1980
- Metalli Non Ferrosi e Ferroleghe 1965-1969
- Metallstasistik=Metal Statistics 1973-1982
- Metallography 1977-1988
- Metallurgia 1977-1996
- Metallurgical Reports 1976-1982
- Metallurgical Review of MMIJ 1984-1994
- Metallurgical Transactions A. 1970-1989
- Metallurgical Transaction B. 1976-1989
- Metallurgical Society of CIM Annual Volume 1977-1978
- Metals Abstracts 1976-2000
- 1204. Metals Abstracts Index 1976-2000
- Metals and Materials 1977-1981
- Metal and Mineral Markets 1947-1966
- Metals and Minerals Annual Review=Mining Annual Review 1977-1999
- Metals Economics Group Strategic Report=Mine Development Bimonthly 1983-2000
- Metals Forum 1978-1981
- Metals Technology 1935-1982
- Metals Week 1967-2000
- Metals Week Focus 1992-1994
- Metalurji 1975-1998
- “Meteor” Forschungsergebnisse.Reihe A-Allgemeines Physik und Chemie des Meeres 1980
- “Meteor“ Forschungsergebnisse.Reihe C-Geologie und Geophysik 1973-1980
- Meteorology and Hydrology 1973-1993
- Meteoroloji Dergisi 1983-1984
- Meteoroloji,Sismoloji ve Mıknatıs Rasatları 1934-1950
- Mısır Arap Cumhuriyeti’nin Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-Mısır Ticareti 1970-1987
- Micropaleontology 1955-1999
- The Micropaleontologist 1947-1954
- Microporous and Mesoporous Materials=Zeolıtes 1982-2000
- Middle East Technical University Abstracts of Graduate Theses 1972-1980
- Middle East Technical University Journal of Pure And Applied Sciences 1968-1990
- Middle East Water Sewage 1978-1989
- Mideast Markets 1975-1979
- Milli Gençliğin Sesi 1969-1971
- Mine and Quary=Mining and Minerals Engineering 1985-1987
- Mine Development Bimonthly=Metals Economics Group Strategic report 1983-2000
- Mine Development Monthly 1981-1983
- Mineral and Energy resources.Colorado School of Mines 1979-1986
- Mineral Commodity Summaires 1982-2000
- Mineral Exploration,Mining and Processing Patents 1965-1980
- Mineral Facts and Problems 1954-1985
- The Mineral Industry ITS 1899-1940
- Mineral Information Service 1955-1970
- Mineral Resources Activities=Mineral Resources Research 1967-1975
- Mineral Resources Review 1967-1988
- Mineral Trade Notes 1953-1979
- Mineral Resources of the United States 1924-1931
- Mineralia Slovaca 1969-2000
- Mineralium Deposita 1966-2000
- Mineralogical Abstracts 1920-1992
- Mineralogical Magazine 1920-2000
- Mineralogiçeskiy Journal 1980-2000
- Mineralogist 1954
- Mineralogy and Petrology 1987-1999
- Minerals and Energy Bulletin 1982-1987
- Minerals and Metallurgical Processing 1984-2000
- Minerals and Materials 1977-1982
- Minerals and Rocks for Industry 1992-1993
- Minerals and Research in CSIRO 1972-1979
- Minerals Science and Engineering 1975-1980
- Minerals Yearbook 1934-1997
- Mines,Carriére Grandes Entreprises 1936-1940
- Mines et Geologie 1958-1979
- Mines et Metallurgie 1936-1980
- The Mines Magazine 1956-1967
- Mining and Metallurgical Association Bulletin 1971-1976
- Mining and Metallurgy Quarterly=Rudarsko-Metalurski Zbornik 1962-1974
- Mining and Metallurgy 1936-1948
- Mining and Minerals Engineering=Mine and Quary 1948-1987
- Mining Annual Review=Metals and Minerals Annual Review 1963-1999
- Mining Congress Journal=American Mining Congress Journal 1936-1982
- Mining Engineering 1949-2000
- The Mining Electrical Engineer 1936
- Mining Equipment 1960-1966
- Mining Information Bulletin 1964-1982
- Mining International Yearbook 1978
- Mining Journal 1935-2000
- Mining Magazine 1935-2000
- Mining Reporter 1974-1982
- Mining Review 1962-1968
- Mining Technology 1937-1948
- Mining World=Metal Mining and Processing 1949-1963
- Mississipi Geology 1980-1988
- Mitteilungen Aus dem Geologischen Palaontologischen Instıtut der ın Hamburg 1935-1993
- Mitteilunger der Bayer:Staatssammlung für Pal.u.his.Geologie 1961-1999
- Mitteilungen der Geologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 1908-1983
- Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft der Geologie Studenten 1957-1970
- Mitteilungen der Osterreichischen Geologischen Gesellschaft 1975-2000
- Mitteilungen des Alpenlandischen Geologischen Vereines=Mitteilungen Der Geologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 1908-1983
- Mitteilungen des Hamburgıschen Welt-Wırtschafts Archıvs 1937-1938
- Mitteilungsblatt der Badischen Geologischen Landesanstalt 1947-1951
- Modern Business Reports 1974-1981
- Modern Casting 1971-1984
- Modern Casting and American Foundryman 1951-1971
- Monatshefte für Chemie 1946-1987
- Moniteur du Pétrole Roumain 1937-1948
- Monitör 1990-1994
- Montan Rundschau=Berg und Hüttenmonatshefte 1954-1968
- Montanistische Rundschau=Glückauf 1936-1943
- Monthly Bibliography Selected Articles=Bibliographie Mensuelle.Monthly Bibliography 1933-1996
- Monthly Coal Bulletin 1959-1963
- Monthly Current Avareness Service on Pure and Applied Scientific Articles Series B 1974-1975
- Monthly External Trade Bulletin 1976-1981
- The Monthly Journal of the Instıtute of Metals=Journal of the Metals 1935-1942
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 1957-1962
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Soc.Geophysical Suppl. 1955
- Moskova Büyükelçiliği Ticaret Müşavirliği Yıllık Rapor 1969
- Muhasebe Mecmuası 1958-1963
- Muhasebe ve Maliye Mecmuası(Bankacılık) 1965-1970
- Musee Royal de L’Afrique Centrale Rapport Annual 1965-1980
- Museum 1970-1991
- Museum Journal 1935-2000
- Museum of Comporative Zoology.Annual Report. 1965-1969
- Müegyelemi Közlemenyek 1947-1949
- Mühendis ve Makina 1964-1998
- Müzik Görüşleri 1949-1953
- Mühendislik Jeolojisi Bülteni 1980-1993
- National Coal Board.Repport and Accounts 1966-1976
- National Geographic Magazine 1918-2000
- National Research Instıtute for Metals Research Activities 1992-1999
- Nato Dergisi 1982-1993
- Nato Science Committee Year Book 1980-1984
- Natur u. Museum 1927-1935
- Natur u.Vol 1936-1941
- Natura Bresciana 1973-2000
- Natura Seria:Geografie-Geologie 1967-1968
- Natural History 1978-1982
- Natural Resources and Development 1975-1999
- Natural Resources and Energy 1976-1983
- Natural Resources Forum 1976-2000
- Natural Science and Museum 1958-1983
- Natural Science Event Bulletin 1977
- Naturalista Valtellınese 1990-1999
- Nature 1951-2000
- Nature and Resources 1967-1997
- Nature et Resources 1965-1983
- Nature Physical Science 1972-1973
- Naturforschende Gesellschaft zu Freiburg.Berichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 1892-1978
- Naturopa 1978-1987
- Die Naturwissenschaften 1970-1994
- Near East Briefing(Business) 1977-1986
- Neftana I Vaglistna Geologiya 1975-1992
- Nyeftyanoya Hozeyotva 1939-1948
- Nyetyanoya Promişlennost S.S.S.R 1940
- Neogene 1995
- Neue Hutte 1970-1982
- Neue Technik u.Wirtschaft 1952-1962
- Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Palaeontologie Abh. 1927-2000
- Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Palaeontologie Monatchefte 1944-2000
- Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie.Teil 1 1937-1944
- Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie ‚ Teil 2 1937-1944
- Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Teil 3 1937-1942
- Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie.Abhandlungen A 1937-2000
- Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Monatshefte 1945-2000
- New Publications Bureau of Mines 1973-1995
- New Publications of the Geological Survey U.S. Department of the Interıor 1977-2000
- New Serial Titles 1973-1988
- New Serial Titles Cumulation 1971-1989
- New Technical Books 1971-1994
- New Zeland Journal of Geology and Geophysics 1962-1990
- New Zeland Science Abstracts 1980
- Newsletter 1983-1984
- Newsletter(Customer Care) 1984
- Newsletter IGCP PROJECT No.5 Correlation of Previscan and Variscan 1980-1987
- Newsletter on Stratigraphy 1970-1980
- Newsletter R and D in Uranium Exploration Techniques 1980-1984
- Newsweek 1979-1998
- Niederseachsisches Landesamt für Bodenforschung Hannover.Tatigkeitsbericht 1973-1979
- Nilüfer 1946-1950
- Nobel Hefte 1957-1959
- The Non-Ferreus Metals Industry=L’Industrıe des Metaux Non Ferreux
- Non-Metallic Minerals 1967
- Norges Geologiske Undersökelse.Arbok 1966-1970
- Norges Geologiske Undersökelse.Bulletin 1982-1999
- Norges Geologiske Undersökelse Grasteinen=Norges Geologiske Undersokelse Skrifter 1979-2000
- Norges Geologiske Undersokelse Skifter = Norges geologiske Undersokelse Grasteinen 1992-1995
- Norsk Polarinstitutt Arbok 1962-1980
- The Northern Miner 1978-1981
- Norveç’in Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-Norveç Ticari İlişkileri 1974-1987
- Not 1967-1973
- Notam Türkiye 1969-1993
- Notizblatt des Hessischen Landesamtes für Bodenforschung zu Wiesbaden=Geologischen Jaahrbuch Hessen 1976-1998
- Notas Y Comunicaciones del Instıtuto Geologico Y Minero de Espana 1945-1967
- Notulaa Naturae 1967-1995
- Nouvelles de L’Académie des Sciences de L’U.R.S.S.Senie Géologique 1953-1964
- Nuclear Active 1977-1989
- Nuclear Engineering International 1977-1986
- Nuclear Fusion 1960
- Nuclear Power 1961-1965
- Nuclear Science Abstracts 1954-1964
- Nucleonics 1950-1967
- The Nucleus 1969-1977
- OAPEC News Bulletin 1975-1985
- The OECD Observer 1980-1981
- OPEC Bulletin 1980-1994
- Organization of The Petroleum Exporting Countries Annual Report 1979-1984
- Oberheinische Geologische Abhandlungen 1963-1985
- L’Observateur de L’OCDE 1965-1980
- Ocean Construction Report 1977-1983
- Ocean Devlopment and International Law 1973-1976
- Ocean Energy 1975-1978
- Ocean Management 1973-1981
- Ocean Technology and Engineering 1974-1985
- Oceanic Abstracts 1979-1985
- Oceanologica Acta 1978-1985
- Oceanology=Undersea Technology and Oceanology International Offshore Technology 1971-1972
- Del u Kohle=Erdöl u Kohle
- Offshore 1971-1992
- Offshore Engineer 1977-1986
- Ofioliti 1982-2000
- Ogneupor 1939-1966
- Oil and Gas Journal 1936-2000
- Oil and Gas Science And Technology=Revue de L’Instıtut Français Du Petrole 1999-2000
- Oil and Petroleum Year Book 1936-1949
- Oil Forum=International Oilman
- The Oil Weekly 1937-1947
- Oklahoma Geology Notes 1962-1981
- Ore Forming Processes and Mineral Deposits=Rudoobrazuvatelni Procesi I Mineralni Nahodista 1974-1991
- Organic Geochemistry 1977-1987
- L’Organisation 1938-1940
- Orman ve Av 1940-1951
- ODTÜ Haber Bülteni 1975-1977
- ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 1975-1976
- ODTÜ Uygulamalı Araştırmalar Dergisi 1985
- ODTÜ Müh.Fak.Yüksek Lisans Tez Çalışmaları Özetleri 1972
- ODTÜ Temel ve Uygulamalı Bilimler Dergisi=Middle East Technical University Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 1972-1980
- Ortalama ve Ekstrem Kıymetler Meteoroloji Bülteni 1950-1974
- Osterreichische Chemiker-Zeitung 1947-1952
- Otecestvennaya Geologiya=Sovetskaya Geologiya 1993
- The Overseas Engineer 1940-1961
- Overseas Geology and Mineral Resources 1958-1982
- Oxidation of Metals 1977-1988
- Osterreiches Montan-Handbuch 1970-1987
- PC World Türkiye 1992-1998
- Petkim Dergisi 1982-1994
- PTT Dergisi 1960-1993
- Pakistan’ın Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-Pakistan Ticareti 1972-1987
- Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrıal Research 1958-2000
- Pakistan Postası 1967-1979
- The Paleobotanist 1952-1999
- Paleography,Paleoecology,Paleoclımatology 1968-2000
- Palaeontographia Italica 1896-1972
- Palaeontographica Abt.A 1851-2000
- Palaeontographica Abt.B 1933-2000
- Palaeontographica Americana 1916-1998
- Palaeontographica 1966-1980
- Palaeontographical Society(Monographs) 1859-1966
- Palaeontologia Africana 1953-2000
- Palaeontologia Sinica,Serie A 1922-1936
- Palaeontologia Sinica,Serie B 1930-1935
- Palaeontologia Sinica,Serie C(A,B,C,D) 1924-1937
- Palaontologia Sinica,Serie D 1928-1939
- Palaeovertebrata 1967-2000
- Palaontologische Zeitschrift 1919-2000
- Paleontological Journal 1967-2000
- Paleontologiese Navorsing 1929
- Paleontology 1957-2000
- Paleontologiya Stratigrafiya İ Litologiya 1975-1994
- Paleopelagos 1991-1997
- Pangea 1983-1999
- Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science Arts and Letter 1921-1955
- Pascal Folia.Paleontologie 1984-1991
- Pascal Folia.Stratigraphie.Geologie.Regionale. 1984-1991
- Pascal Folia.Tectonique.Geophysique.Interne 1984-1991
- Permbledhje Studimesh 1965-1982
- Petermans Geologische Mitteilungen 1855-1991
- Petrol 1972-1985
- Petrol Faaliyeti 1956-1999
- Petrol Ofisi İstatistik Bülteni 1969-1979
- Petrole Informations 1947-1982
- Petroleum 1935-1958
- Petroleum Activities in Turkey 1959-1976
- Petroleum and Coal Geology=Neftana I Vaglistna Geologiya
- Petroleum and Petrochemical International 1973
- The Petroleum Economist=Petroleum Press Service 1974-1988
- Petroleum Engineer 1942-1988
- Petroleum Equipment 1949-1961
- Petroleum Management=Petroleum Engineer 1942-1988
- Petroleum Mirror 1959-1961
- Petroleum Press Service=Petroleum Economist (Eng.) 1937-1968
- Petroleum Press Service=Petroleum Economist (Fr.) 1953-1962
- Petroleum Refiner 1938-1957
- Petroleum Technology=Journal of Petroleum Technology 1949-1989
- Petroleum Times 1937-1993
- Petroleum Times Price Report 1981-1986
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A 1801-1991
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B 1887-1991
- Phosphorus and Potassium 1962-1991
- Photoblatter 1970-1971
- Photo-Interpretation 1974-1992
- Photogrammetric Engineering 1970-1987
- The Physical Review 1956-1959
- Physical Review Letters 1958-1959
- Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 1979-2000
- Physics and Chemistry of the Earth=Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Part A,B,C 1956-1999
- Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Part A:Solıd Earth and Geodesy 1999-2000
- Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Part B:Hydrology.Oceans and Atmosphere 1999-2000
- Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Part C:Solar-Terrestia and Planetary Science 1999-2000
- The Physics of Metals and Metallography 1976-1983
- Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 1973-1988
- Physio-Geo 1991
- Phytologia 1978
- Pıanura 1987-1999
- Platinum Metals Review 1977-1987
- Platt’s Metals Week=Metals Week 1967-2000
- Polar-Forchung 1960-1986
- Polar Research 1982-1994
- Politik ve Ekonomik Bülten=Ekonomik Bülten 1994-1997
- Pollen et Spores 1959-1989
- Polonya’nın Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-Polonya Ticareti.Yıllık Rapor 1974-1987
- Polska Akademia Nauk Oddzıal.W Krakowie Komisja Geo.Pra.Gornıctwo 1983-1989
- Portekiz’in Genel Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye ile Ticari İlişkileri 1987
- Powder Metallurgy 1977-1983
- Powder Metallurgy International 1977-1983
- Practical Metallography 1977-1987
- Praktische Metallographie=Praktical Metallography 1964
- Pratik Ölçmeciler İçin Astronomik Almanak 1978-1981
- Preliminary Determination of Epicenters 1982-1999
- Prisma 1946-1951
- Problems of Soviet Geology 1934-1940
- Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Soc.Canada Serie.1 1882-1952
- Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1960-2000
- Proceedings of the Analytical Division of the Chemical Society=Analytical Proceedings 1975-1979
- Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 1841-1907
- Proceedings of the Chemical Society 1960
- Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 1942-2000
- Proceedings of the Cambridge Philophical Society 1900-1919
- Proceedings of the Geological Society of London 1826-1971
- The Proceedings of the Instıtute of Electrical Engineers Part A. 1956 Part B. 1956 Part C. 1956
- Proceedings of the Geologists Association 1974-2000
- Proceedings of the International Committee for Coal Petrology 1954-1955
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 1915-1930
- Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program Part A-İnitial Reports=Texas A and M University Ocean Drilling Program Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program Part A,İnitial Report 1986-1998
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria,Australia (New Series) 1857-1963
- Proceedings of the Society for Analytical Chemistry=Proceedings of the Analytical Division of the Chemical Society 1975-1979
- Proceedings of the United States National Museum 1891-1925
- Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences Geological Series 1966-1970
- Proceedings Volume of the Geological Society of America 1933-1960
- Process Biochemistry 1976-1983
- Process Industries Canada 1984-1987
- Product Engineering 1946-1952
- Production Cost Update 1983-1985
- Prodüktivite 1967-1971
- Programm Energieforschung und Energietechnologien 1977-1980
- Progress 1982-1985
- Progress in Experimental Petrology 1969-1975
- Prezeglad Geograficzny 1947-1990
- Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1831-1953
- Prospection et Protection du Sous-sol 1958-1962
- Pubications de L’Association des Ingerıeurs de L’Ecole des Mines 1911-1940
- Prospektör 1972-1977
- Pure and Applied Geophysics 1960-2000
- The Public Ledger 1968-1973
- Publicazioni del Centro di studi per la Geologia dell’Appennino 1955-1969
- Publications Division Géologie de I’Instıtut Française du Pétrole 1964-1968
- PC World Türkiye 1992-1998
- Petkim Dergisi 1982-1994
- PTT Dergisi 1960-1993
- Pakistan’ın Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-Pakistan Ticareti 1972-1987
- Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrıal Research 1958-2000
- Pakistan Postası 1967-1979
- The Paleobotanist 1952-1999
- Paleography,Paleoecology,Paleoclımatology 1968-2000
- Palaeontographia Italica 1896-1972
- Palaeontographica Abt.A 1851-2000
- Palaeontographica Abt.B 1933-2000
- Palaeontographica Americana 1916-1998
- Palaeontographica 1966-1980
- Palaeontographical Society(Monographs) 1859-1966
- Palaeontologia Africana 1953-2000
- Palaeontologia Sinica,Serie A 1922-1936
- Palaeontologia Sinica,Serie B 1930-1935
- Palaeontologia Sinica,Serie C(A,B,C,D) 1924-1937
- Palaontologia Sinica,Serie D 1928-1939
- Palaeovertebrata 1967-2000
- Palaontologische Zeitschrift 1919-2000
- Paleontological Journal 1967-2000
- Paleontologiese Navorsing 1929
- Paleontology 1957-2000
- Paleontologiya Stratigrafiya İ Litologiya 1975-1994
- Paleopelagos 1991-1997
- Pangea 1983-1999
- Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science Arts and Letter 1921-1955
- Pascal Folia.Paleontologie 1984-1991
- Pascal Folia.Stratigraphie.Geologie.Regionale. 1984-1991
- Pascal Folia.Tectonique.Geophysique.Interne 1984-1991
- Permbledhje Studimesh 1965-1982
- Petermans Geologische Mitteilungen 1855-1991
- Petrol 1972-1985
- Petrol Faaliyeti 1956-1999
- Petrol Ofisi İstatistik Bülteni 1969-1979
- Petrole Informations 1947-1982
- Petroleum 1935-1958
- Petroleum Activities in Turkey 1959-1976
- Petroleum and Coal Geology=Neftana I Vaglistna Geologiya
- Petroleum and Petrochemical International 1973
- The Petroleum Economist=Petroleum Press Service 1974-1988
- Petroleum Engineer 1942-1988
- Petroleum Equipment 1949-1961
- Petroleum Management=Petroleum Engineer 1942-1988
- Petroleum Mirror 1959-1961
- Petroleum Press Service=Petroleum Economist (Eng.) 1937-1968
- Petroleum Press Service=Petroleum Economist (Fr.) 1953-1962
- Petroleum Refiner 1938-1957
- Petroleum Technology=Journal of Petroleum Technology 1949-1989
- Petroleum Times 1937-1993
- Petroleum Times Price Report 1981-1986
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A 1801-1991
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B 1887-1991
- Phosphorus and Potassium 1962-1991
- Photoblatter 1970-1971
- Photo-Interpretation 1974-1992
- Photogrammetric Engineering 1970-1987
- The Physical Review 1956-1959
- Physical Review Letters 1958-1959
- Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 1979-2000
- Physics and Chemistry of the Earth=Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Part A,B,C 1956-1999
- Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Part A:Solıd Earth and Geodesy 1999-2000
- Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Part B:Hydrology.Oceans and Atmosphere 1999-2000
- Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Part C:Solar-Terrestia and Planetary Science 1999-2000
- The Physics of Metals and Metallography 1976-1983
- Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 1973-1988
- Physio-Geo 1991
- Phytologia 1978
- Pıanura 1987-1999
- Platinum Metals Review 1977-1987
- Platt’s Metals Week=Metals Week 1967-2000
- Polar-Forchung 1960-1986
- Polar Research 1982-1994
- Politik ve Ekonomik Bülten=Ekonomik Bülten 1994-1997
- Pollen et Spores 1959-1989
- Polonya’nın Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-Polonya Ticareti.Yıllık Rapor 1974-1987
- Polska Akademia Nauk Oddzıal.W Krakowie Komisja Geo.Pra.Gornıctwo 1983-1989
- Portekiz’in Genel Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye ile Ticari İlişkileri 1987
- Powder Metallurgy 1977-1983
- Powder Metallurgy International 1977-1983
- Practical Metallography 1977-1987
- Praktische Metallographie=Praktical Metallography 1964
- Pratik Ölçmeciler İçin Astronomik Almanak 1978-1981
- Preliminary Determination of Epicenters 1982-1999
- Prisma 1946-1951
- Problems of Soviet Geology 1934-1940
- Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Soc.Canada Serie.1 1882-1952
- Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1960-2000
- Proceedings of the Analytical Division of the Chemical Society=Analytical Proceedings 1975-1979
- Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 1841-1907
- Proceedings of the Chemical Society 1960
- Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 1942-2000
- Proceedings of the Cambridge Philophical Society 1900-1919
- Proceedings of the Geological Society of London 1826-1971
- The Proceedings of the Instıtute of Electrical Engineers Part A. 1956 Part B. 1956 Part C. 1956
- Proceedings of the Geologists Association 1974-2000
- Proceedings of the International Committee for Coal Petrology 1954-1955
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 1915-1930
- Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program Part A-İnitial Reports=Texas A and M University Ocean Drilling Program Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program Part A,İnitial Report 1986-1998
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria,Australia (New Series) 1857-1963
- Proceedings of the Society for Analytical Chemistry=Proceedings of the Analytical Division of the Chemical Society 1975-1979
- Proceedings of the United States National Museum 1891-1925
- Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences Geological Series 1966-1970
- Proceedings Volume of the Geological Society of America 1933-1960
- Process Biochemistry 1976-1983
- Process Industries Canada 1984-1987
- Product Engineering 1946-1952
- Production Cost Update 1983-1985
- Prodüktivite 1967-1971
- Programm Energieforschung und Energietechnologien 1977-1980
- Progress 1982-1985
- Progress in Experimental Petrology 1969-1975
- Prezeglad Geograficzny 1947-1990
- Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1831-1953
- Prospection et Protection du Sous-sol 1958-1962
- Pubications de L’Association des Ingerıeurs de L’Ecole des Mines 1911-1940
- Prospektör 1972-1977
- Pure and Applied Geophysics 1960-2000
- The Public Ledger 1968-1973
- Publicazioni del Centro di studi per la Geologia dell’Appennino 1955-1969
- Publications Division Géologie de I’Instıtut Française du Pétrole 1964-1968
- Raboci Njeftenik 1934-1940
- Radovi Geoinstıtut 1967-1997
- RAIRO-Analyse Numerical Analysis 1982
- RAIRO-Automatıque Systems Analysis and Control 1981-1982
- RAIRO-Information Theorique 1979-1982
- RAIRO Revue Française D’Automatique et de Recherche Operational Informatique Computer Science 1977-1981
- RAIRO-Recherche Operationelle Operations Research 1977-1982
- RAIRO-Technique et Science Informatiques 1982
- Raman 1970-1972
- Rapor 1980-1986
- Raumforschung und Raumordnung 1953-1972
- Realités 1953-1954
- Recent Process of Geological Sciences in Japan 1978-1985
- Recent Process of Geological Sciences in Japan Section.Geophysics 1976-1978
- Recent Process of Geological Sciences in Japan Section Zoology 1977
- Recent Process of Natural Sciences in Japan Section Mathematics 1976-1986
- La Recherche 1970-1995
- The Recorder 1968-1971
- Records of the Australian Museum 1890-1951
- Records of the Geological Survey of Bangladesh 1972-1977
- Records of the Geological Survey of Victoria(Australia) 1902-1937
- Refiner=Petroleum Refiner 1938-1957
- The Refractories Journal 1962-1990
- Register Over Svensk Standard 1977
- Regional Catalogue of Earthquake 1978-1988
- Remote Sensing of Environmental 1969-2000
- Rendiconti 1927-1938
- Rendiconti della Societa Geologica Italiana 1978-1991
- Renewable Energy News 1983-1984
- Report of the Committee on the Measurement of Geologic Time 1937-1951
- Report of the Subcommittee on marine Ecology 1941-1951
- Report on Geoscience and Mineral Resources 1977-1982
- Report Issued 1980-1990
- Republic of Cyprus… Annual Report of Geological Survey Department 1965-1986
- Republic of Cyprus. Bulletin of the Geological Survey Department 1969-1977
- Republic of South Africa… Annals of the Geological Survey 1965-1982
- Republic Socialista Romania Comitatul de stat al Geologiei Instıtutul Geologic. Anuarul Comitetului de Stat al Geologiei.=Instıtut de Geologie Şi Geofizica.Anuarul Instıtutuli de Geologie Şi Geofizica 1950-1991
- Republica Socialista Romania. Dari de Seama ale Şedintelor 1967-1969
- Republica Socialista Romania.Dari de Seama Ale Şedintelor 1.Mineralogie-Petrologie-Geochimie=Romanian Journal of Mineralogy Romanian Journal of Petrology 1968-1989
- Republica Socialista Romania. Dari de Seama ale Şedintelor=Romanian Journal of Mineral Deposits 2.Zacaminte 1967-1989
- Republica Socialista Romania.Dari de Seama ale Şedintelor 3.Paleontologie=Romanian Journal of Paleontology 1967-1990
- Republica Socialista Romania.Comitetul Geologic.Instıtutul Geologic.Studii Tehnice şi Economice.Seria-D Prospectiuni-Geofizice=Romanian Journal of Geophysics 1966-1979
- Republica Socialista Romania.Dari de Seama ale Şedintelor 4.Stratigrafie=Romanian Journal of Stratigraphy 1967-1990
- Republica Socialista Romania.Dari de seama ale Şedintelor 5.Tectonica şi Geologia Regionala=Romanian Journal of Tectonics and Regional Geology 1993-1998
- Republica Socialista Romania.Comitetul de Stat al Geologiei.Instıtutul Geologic.Studii Tehnice şi Economice.Serie-A Prospectiuni şi Explorari Geologice 1967-1980
- Republica Socialista Romania.Comitetul Geologic.Instıtutul Geologic.Studii Tehnice şi Economice.Serie-B Chimie 1966-1980
- Republica Socialista Romania.Comitetul de Stat al Geologiei.Instıtutul Geologic.Studii Tehnice şi Economice.Seria-E Hidrogeology 1967-1978
- Research and DevelopmentAbstracts of the USAEC 1962-1963
- Research Development 1978-1984
- Research Instıtute of African Geology Department of Earth Sciences.Annual Report 1965-1976
- Research Publications and Professional Activites 1981-1983
- Resmi Sınai Mülkiyet Gazetesi Resmi Marka Gazetesi=Resmi Marka Gazetesi(Tescil Edilmiş Markalar) 1966-2000
- Resources Policy 1974-2000
- Review of Metal Literature 1960-1965
- Review of Paleobotany and Palnology 1968-2000
- Review of Scientific Instruments 1951-1990
- Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society=Spisanie Na Blgarskoto Geologiçesko Drujestvo 1939-1997
- Reviews of Geophysics 1963-1995
- Review of the Geographical Instıtute of the Univ.of Istanbul 1972-1973
- Revista Brasileira de Geociencias 1971-1992
- Revista del Museo de Historia Natural de Mendoza 1947-1967
- Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia 1969-1988
- Revista Muzeului Geologie-Mineralogie 1924-1941
- Revue Critique de Paleozoologie 1897-1924
- Revue de Geologie Dynamique et de Geographie Physique=Geodinamica Acta Revue de Geologie Dynamique et de Geographic
- Revue de Geologie et de Geographie 1957-1963
- Revue de Géographie du Maroc 1962-1966
- Revue de Geomorphology Dynamique 1978-1988
- Revue de Geologie et des Sciences Connexes 1937-1940
- Revue de L’Industrıe Minérale=Industrıe Minerale 1921-1968
- Revue d’Hıstoire Ancienne 1969
- Revue de L’Instıtut Française du Petrole=Oil and Gas Science and Technology 1946-1992
- Revue de Métallurgie 1980-1989
- Revue de Micropaleontologie 1958-2000
- Revue de Paleobiologie 1982-1990
- Revue de L’Instıtut International de Statistique 1937-1938
- Revue de L’Unesco Pour La Science de L’INF.La Bibliotheconomie et L’Archivistique 1979-1983
- Revue du Nickel 1930-1936
- Revue Economique 1939
- Revue Française International 1930-1940
- La Revue Française 1953-1955
- Revue Française Informatique et de Recherche Operationnelle=Rairo…. 1965-1976
- Revue Génerale de Thermique 1978-1984
- Revue Gréco-Turquie 1940-1941
- Revue Internationale D’Heliotechnique 1977
- La Revue Pétroliére=Pétrole Informations. Larevue Petroliere 1947-1982
- Revue Photo-Interpretation=Photo-Interpretation 1935-1968
- Revue Roumanie de Géographie=Rev.Roumanie Géol.,Géop.,et Geographie Serie de Geographie 1965-1994
- Revue Romaine Géol., Géoph.,et Geographie.Serie de Geographie= Revue Roumaine de Géographie 1965-1994
- Revue Roumaine de Géologie, Geophysique et Geographie 1987-1996
- Revue Roumaine de Géophysique 1990-1991
- Revue Roumaine de Metallurgie 1956-1968
- Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques.Serie de Métallurgie 1958-1973
- Revue Roumaine Suısse de Zoologie 1894-1908
- Revue Universelle des Mines de la Metallurgie des Travaux Public 1935-1956
- Rivista di Geofisica Applicata 1950-1955
- Rivista Geomheraria 1949
- Rivista Italiana di Paleontologie e Sratigrafia 1899-2000
- Rocas Y Minerales 1977-1980
- Rock and Gem 1978
- Rock Mechanics Abstracts=Geomechanics Abstracts and International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 1970-1972
- Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 1963-2000
- The Rockwell Water Journal 1956
- Rocky Mountain Geology=Contributions to Geology 1998-1999
- Rocznik Annales de la Societe Géologique de Pologne 1946-1956
- Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystawa Geologicznego 1935-2000
- Rocznik Statystyczny 1969
- Romanian Journal of Geophysics=Republica Socialista Romania.Comitetul Geologic Instıtutul Geologic Studii Tehnice Şi Economice Seria D Prospectiuni Geofizice 1994-2000
- Romanian Journal of Mineral Deposits=Republica Socialista Romania.Dari de Seama ale Şedintelor(1 Min-Petr.-Geoc.) 1992-1999
- Romanian Journal of Palaontology=Republica Socialista Romania.Dari de Seama ale Şedintelor (3 Paleontologie) 1992-1997
- Romanian Journal of Petrology=Republica Socialista Romania.Dari de Seama ale Şedintelor 1-Mineralogie-Petrologie-Geochimie 1992-1996
- Romanian Journal of Stratigraphy=Republica Socialiste Romania.Dari de Seama ale Şedintelor 4.Stratigrafie 1993-1998
- Romanian Journal of Tectonics and Regional Geology=Rep.Soc.Rom.Dari de Seama ale Şedintelor 5.Tectonica şi Geologie Regionala 1993-1998
- Romanya’nın Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-Romanya Ticareti 1974-1988
- The Royal Society of Edinburg,Transactions 1985-1988
- Rudarsko Metalurski Zbornik=Materials and Geoenvironment 1952-1997
- Rudoobrazuvaltelni Procesi I Mineralni Nahodista 1974-1991
- Russian Metallurgy(Metall) 1962-1987
- S.A.Mining and Engineering Journal(South African) 1938-1984
- SPWLA Logging Symposium Transactions=Society of Professional Well Log Analysts.Symposium Transactions
- S.S.C.B.’nin Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-S.S.C.B.Ticareti 1972-1987
- Sağlık ve Kadın Dünyası 1967-1968
- Sakarya Devlet Mühendislik Mimarlık Akademisi Dergisi 1981
- Salud Publica de Mexico 1959-1961
- S.Arabistan’ın Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye S.Arabistan Ticareti 1972-1986
- San Diego Society of Natural History.Transactions 1968-1969
- Saudi Arabia Mineral Resources Annual Report 1981-1983
- Sanayi ve Ekonomi 1977-1978
- Sanayi ve İşyerleri Sayımı:İmalat Sanayii 1927-1970
- Savunma ve Havacılık 1991-1998
- Saward’s Journal 1961-1967
- Sayısal Elektronik Bilgisayar 1978
- Sayıştay Denetçileri Derneği Meslek Dergisi=Mali Hukuk 1970-1982
- Sbornik Entomologiceho Oddeleni Narodniho Musea V Praze=Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae1948-1977
- Sbornik Geologickysh Ved-Geologie 1963-1977
- Sbornik Geologickysh Ved.Inzenyrska Geologie 1966-1983
- Sbornik Geologickysh Ved Paleontologie=Journal of Geological Sciences Palaontology=Sbornik Geologickyh Ved.Rada P.Paleontologie 1996-1998
- Sbornik Geologickysh Ved.Rada G.Geologie 1967-1999
- Sbornik Geologickysh Ved.Rada LG.Loziskova Geologie 1963-1997
- Sbornik Geologickysh Ved.Rada P.Paleontologie=Sbornik Geologickych Ved/Journal of Geological Sciences Paleontology 1963-1992
- Sbornik Geologickysh Ved. Rada UG.Uzita Geofyzika=Sbornik Geologickych Ved Uzita Geofyzca=Journal of Geol.Sciences Applied Geophysics 1967-1990
- Sbornik Geologickysh Vied.Rad ZK.Zapadné Karpaty 1964-1971
- Sbornik Geologickysh Ved Uzita Geofyzika=Journal of Geological Sci.Applied Geophysics=Sbornik Geologic.Ved Rada Ug.Uzita Geofyzika 1967-1990
- Sbornik Geologie 1919-1965
- Sbornik Narodniho Muzea V.Praze 1958-1999
- Sbornik Paleontologie 1950-1961
- Sbornik Vedeckvch Prac.Vsokei Skoly Technickei V Kosiciach 1957-1980
- Sbornik Zakonodateliniyhi Normativniyh Aktov Respub.kazahstan Po Nedropolzo 1994
- Scandınavian Journal of Metallurgy 1972-1981
- Das Schweizer Buch.Bibliographisches Bulletin der Schweizerischen LandesbibliothekSerie A 1962-1973
- Das Schweizer Buch.Serie B 1962-1973
- Schweizerische Mineralogische u.Petrographische Mitteilungen 1947-1999
- Science 1883-2000
- Science and Industry 1967-1972
- Science’85 1985
- Science et Vie 1954
- Science Progres La Nature 1966-1967
- Science Reports Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Kyushu University 1991-1999
- Science Reports Department of Geology Kyushu University=Science Report Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Kyushu University 1973-1990
- Science Reports of the Inst. of Geoscience University of Tsukuba Section B- Geological Sciences 1980-2000
- Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial Univ.Sendai,Japan 1912-1966
- The Science Report of theTohoku University .Sendai Japan Third Series 1955-1991
- The Science Report of theTohoku University.Sendai,Japan Second Series(Geology) 1957-1996
- Science Report of the Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku 1952-1964
- Sciences de la Terre 1953-1978
- Sciences Géologiques.Bulletin=Bulletin des Sciences Géologiques
- Scientia Sinica 1974
- Scientifica Geologica Sinica 1973-2000
- Scientific American 1956-2001
- Scientific Monthly 1956-1957
- Scientific Publications.Section I-Organic Chemistry Plymer Chemistry Biological Chemistry 1965-1981
- Scientific Publications II-Analytical Chemistry Physical Chemistry Chemical Engineering 1965-1977
- III-Physics Mathematics Engineering 1965-1977
- IV-Photographic Science and Technology 1965-1977
- Scripta Metallurgica 1977-1982
- Sea Technology 1973-1988
- Sean Bulletin=Bulletin of the Global Vocanism Network
- Search Inorganic Chemical Division
- Search Petroleum Division
- Search Oils,fats and Waxes Division
- Search Non-Metallic Minerals Division
- Search Metals Division
- Search Dyes,Pigments and Coatings Division
- Search Coal,Coke and Mineral Tars Division 1971-1974
- Sedimentary Geology 1967-2000
- Sedimentologija 1961-1962
- Sedimentology 1962-2000
- Sınai Eğitim Ve Geliştirme Merkezi Bülteni 1982-1989
- Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Dergisi Seri:A-Yer Bilimleri 1981
- Selçuk Üniversitesi Müh.Mim.Fak.Dergisi 1986-2000
- Senckenbergiana 1918-1954
- Senckenbergiana (Biologica) 1955-1999
- Senckenbergiana(Lethaea) 1955-2000
- Senegal’in Genel Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye İle Ticari İlişkiler 1986-1987
- Service Bulletin(Single Engine) 1985
- Service Bulletin(Multi-Engine) 1985-1994
- Service Information Letter(Multiengine Customer Care) 1984
- Service Information Letter(Single Engine Customer Care) 1984
- Service Newsletter 1985-1994
- Sevk ve İdare Dergisi 1966-1978
- Short Papers From the Instıtute of Geology& Paleontology 1950-1953
- La Stiuatıon Economique de la Communauté 1964-1978
- Sitzungsberichte der Mathematische Naturwissenschaftliche 1926-1938
- Sivil Savunma Dergisi 1964-1998
- Skilling Mining Review 1976-1991
- Slovak Geological Magazine 1995-2000
- Smithsonian Miscellanous Collections 1859-1961
- Societa Italiana Di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico Di Storia Natureli di Milano Atti 1971-1999
- Societe D’Histoire Naturelle D’Autun 1888-1926
- Société de L’Industrıe Minérale Annuaire 1970-1986
- Societe des Naturalistes Luxembourgeoıs(Bulletin) 1987
- Societe Française de Ceramique.Bulletin=Bulletin de la Societe Française de Ceramique 1968-1980
- Sociéte Française de Minerals et Métaux.Statistiques 1966-1970
- Societe Geologique de Belgique.Annales=Annales de la Societe Geologique de Belgique 1911-1997
- Societe Geologique du Nord=Annales de la Societe Geologique du Nord 1876-1999
- Society of Professional Well Log Analysts.Logging Symposium Trans. 1967-1975
- Solar Energy 1975-1984
- Solıd Fuel Chemistry 2000
- South Australia Annual Report of The Director of Mines and Government Geologist 1965-1978
- South Australia Department of Mines and Energy 1980-1991
- Sovetskaya Geologiya=Oteçestvenaya Geologiya 1965-1992
- The Soviet Journal of Non Ferrous Metals 1975-1988
- Soviet Geography 1960
- Soviet Mining Science=Journal of Mining Science 1972-1988
- Spectrochimica Acta.Part A 1956-1973
- Spectrochimica Acta.Part B 1973-1989
- Spectrochimical Abstracts 1933-1974
- Speleon 1950-1980
- Sperryscape 1953
- Sperry Service Bulletin 1984-1985
- Sperry Technical Newsletter 1985
- Der Spiegel 1980-1995
- Spisanié Na Bulgarskoto Géologiçesko Drujesvo 1939-1997
- Sprechsaal für Keramik Glas Email Silikate 1955-1987
- Stahl und Eisen 1931-1988
- Standard 1962-2000
- Statistiques del Energie supplément 1973-1986
- The Statist 1941-1954
- Statistiche dell’Industria=Statistiques Industrielles.Annualre 1973-1975
- Statistics of Wold Trade in Steel. 1960-1964
- Statistiques de L’Energie 1973-1976
- Statistiques Industrıelles 1973-1978
- Statistiques des Metaux 1947-1970
- Steel and Coal 1962-1967
- Steel in the USSR 1971-1986
- Statistiques des Métaux Non-Ferreux 1957
- Steel Times 1967-1983
- Steinmetz u. Bildhauer 1955-1966
- Steirische Beitrage zur Hydrogeologie 1949-1992
- A Stereo-Atlas of Ostracod Shells 1973-1991
- Strassen und Tiefbau 1950-1986
- Stockholm Büyükelçiliği Ticaret Müşavirliği Yıllık Raporu 1969
- Studii de Alimentari Cu Apa 1965-1968
- Studii de Geologie Economica Seria A 1964-1970
- Studii de Geologie Tehnica Seria F 1967
- Studii de Getehnica,Fundatii şi Constructii Hidrotehnice 1964-1972
- Studii de Hırdaulıca 1965-1971
- Studii de Hıdrogeologie 1963-1974
- Studii de Hıdrologie 1964-1982
- Studii Geologiei Cemerti Italia 1982-1995
- Studii Peddogice Seria C 1964
- Studii şi Cercetari de Geologie 1956-1996
- Studii şi Cercetari de Geologie Geofizica Geografie.Seria Geologia=Studii şi Cercetari de Geologie 1965-1989
- Studii şi Cercetari de Geologie,Geofizica,Geografie-GEOFİZİCA=Studii şi Cercetari de Geofizica 1976-1989
- Studii şi Cercetari de Geofizica 1979-1994
- Studii şi Cercetari.Hidrologie 1964-1989
- Studii şi Cercetari de Metallurgie 1956-1991
- Studii Tehnice şi Economice=Republica Socialista Romania.Comitetul Geologic Instıtutul Geo.Studii Tehnice şi Economice.Seria-A,B,C,D….1966-1980
- Studia Geologica 1970-1999
- Su Yılı Akım Neticeleri(Akım Değerleri) 1954-1997
- Sulzer Technical Review 1972-1992
- Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey 1914-1962
- Suriye’nin Genel Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye İle Ticari İlişkileri 1987
- Survey of United States Uranium Marketing Activity 1973-1974
- Survey in Geophysics=Geophysical Surveys 1972-2000
- Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning.Arsberattelse 1971-1993
- Şeker 1961-1966
- Turkish Atomic Energy Commission.Ankara Nuclear Research Center.Technical Journal 1974-1987
- T.C. Başbakanlık DPT 1983 Yılı Programı İcra Planı Uygulama raporu 1983-1986
- T.C. Başbakanlık DPT Kamu Yatırımları Raporu 1982-1984
- T.C. Başbakanlık DPT Önemli Projeler Raporu 1984
- T.C. Başbakanlık DPT Planlama Dergisi 1983-1990
- T.C. Başbakanlık DPT Türkiye Ekonomik Göstergeler 1990-1997
- T.C. Başbakanlık DPT Üretim Raporu 1981-1984
- T.C. Başbakanlık Dış Tic.Mer.Dış Tic.Dergisi 1996-2001
- T.C. Başbakanlık Dış Ticaret Müsteşarlığı Ticaret Bülteni 1985-2000
- T.C. Başbakanlık Hazine ve Dış Ticaret Müsteşarlığı Başlıca Ekonomik Göstergeler 1990-2000
- T.C. Başbakanlık Hazine ve Dış Ticaret Müsteşarlığı Dış Ticaret Hareketleri 1987-1991
- T.C. Başbakanlık Dış Ticaret Müsteşarlığı Dünya Ekonomileri Bülteni 1995-1999
- T.C.Başbakanlık Dış Ticaret Müsteşarlığı Ekonomik Bülten 1996-1998
- T.C. Devlet Yayınları Bibliyografyası 1971-1977
- T.C. Resmi Gazete 1990-2001
- Technical Co-Operation Among Developing Countries 1979-1984
- TEAŞ Dergisi 1995-1997
- THA Günlük Ekonomik Bülten 1976-1986
- TPJD Bülteni 1988-1996
- Tübitak Bülteni 1984-1995
- TÜBİTAK Faaliyet Raporu 1973-1998
- TÜBİTAK İçindekiler Dergisi 1989-1991
- Tüsiad Bülteni 1995-1996
- Tüsiad Konjonktür 1994-1997
- Türk Ekonomisi 1990-1996
- Tabiat ve İnsan 1967-1990
- Tableaux Statistiques 1947-1966
- Talanta 1980-1992
- Tamimler ve İlgili Mevzuat Dergisi 1971-1977
- Taşkömür Dergisi 1983-1985
- Tebliğler Dergisi 1985-1992
- Tecniberia 1983-1987
- Technical Bulletin.Committe Co-ordination of Joint Prospecting 1968-2000
- Technica Poszukiwan Geologicznych 1973-1976
- La Technique Moderne 1934-1964
- Techniques du Pétrole 1967-1969
- Techno Japan 1978-2001
- Technocrat=Techno Japan 1978-2001
- Technology Opportunities 1985-1989
- Techrade Europe 1984
- Tectonics 1991-2000
- Tectonophsics 1964-2000
- Teer u. Bitumen 1936-1944
- Tehnika Gornyaku 1938-1940
- Teknik Bülten 1966-1972
- Teknik Öğretim 1941-1946
- Teknik Özetler 1958-1960
- Teknik ve Uygulama 1987-1988
- Temel ve Uygulamalı Bilimler Aylık Makale ve Duyuru Bülteni Seri A 1974-1975
- Terra 1969-1988
- Texas A and M Univ.Ocean Drilling Program Procee.of the Ocean Drill.Program Part A İnital Report 1986-1998
- Texas A and M Univ.Ocean Drilling Program Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program Scientific Results 1993-2000
- The International Powder and Bulk Magazine 1988-1992
- Ticaret 1968-1970
- Tile and Brick International =Interbrick Tiles-Pipes-Brick 1987-2000
- The Times Trade and Engineering 1937-1951
- Tin and İts Uses 1977-1991
- Today’s Transport International 1978-1986
- Tonındustrıe Zeitung und Keramısche Rundschau=TIZ International Powder and Bulk Magazine 1938-1987
- Toplu Sözleşme İstatistikleri 1977-1979
- Toprak-Su 1959-1983
- Topraksu Bülteni 1970-1984
- Topraksu İstatistik Bülteni 1980
- Toptan Eşya ve Tüketici Fiyatları Aylık İndeks Bülteni 1984-1986
- Trabajos de Geologia 1971-1999
- Trafik Kazaları 1981-1983
- Transactions,American Geophysical Union=E.O.S. Transactions American Geophysical Union
- Transactions and Journal of the British Ceramic Society=British Ceramic Transactions 1977-2000
- Transactions of the American Foundrymen’s Society 1967
- Transactions of National Research Instıtute for Metals 1977-1991
- Transactions of the American Instıtute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers=Transactions of the Society of Mining Engineers of AIME 1871-1977
- Transactions of the Canadian Instıtute of Mining and Metallurgy and The Mining Society of Nova Scotia=CIM Transactions
- Transactions of the Instıtutıons of Mining Engineers 1945-1950
- Transactions of the Instıtutıons of Mining and Metallurgy=Instıtutıon of Mining Metallurgy.Transactions Section A 1946-2000
- Transactions of the Iron and Steel Instıtute of Japan 1976-1987
- Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of AIME=Metallurgical Transactions 1970-1989
- Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.=The Royal Society of Edinburgh Transactions 1985-1988
- Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History 1986-1989
- Transactions of the Society of Mining Engineers of AIME 1871-1977
- Transaction of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences 1972-1999
- Translation News 1971-1981
- Transport Statistics=Verkehrstatistik 1970
- Travaux de Geologie 1962-1964
- Travaux de L’Instıtut de Géologie et D’Antropologie Préhistorique de la Faculté des Sciences de Poitiers=Bulletin des Sciences de la Terre de L’Universite de Poitier 1962-1967
- Travaux du Laboratoıre de Geologie de Grenoble 1966-1967
- Travaux du Laboratoıre de Géologie de la Faculte des Sciences de Grenoble=Géologie Alpine 1927-1968
- Translation News 1971-1981
- Travaux Scientifiques 1924-1964
- Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen=Mineralogy and Petrology 1950-1986
- Tulane Studies in Geology 1963
- Tungsten Statistics 1985-1990
- Tunnels and Tunneling 1983-2001
- Tunus’un Genel Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-Tunus Mübadeleleri 1969-1987
- Turkey Exports 1973
- Turkish Atomic Energy Commission.Ank.Nucl.Res.Center.Technical Journal 1975-1979
- Turkish Electrycity Authority Annual Report 1973-1978
- Turkish Daily News 1978-1979
- Turkish Journal of Marine Sciences 1995-2000
- Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences=Doğa Türk Yerbilimleri Dergisi 1994-2000
- Turkish Public Administration Annual 1974
- La Turquie Moderne 1936-1967
- Türk Anglo-American ve Almanya Postası 1959-1960
- Türk Coğrafya Dergisi 1943-1959
- Türk Dili 1978-1984
- Türk Ekonomisi 1943-1955
- Türk Endüstri Kataloğu 1973
- Türk Hijiyen ve Tecrübi Biyoloji Dergisi 1940-1986
- Türk İçtihatlar Külliyatı 1950-1972
- Türk İnşa. 1981-1995
- Türk-İş 1967-1983
- Türk Kültürü 1964-1985
- Türk Kütüphaneciler Derneği Bülteni=Türk Kütüphaneciliği 1952-1990
- Türk Standartları Kataloğu 1977-1985
- Türk Tarih Kurumu Belleten 1969-1980
- Türk Ticaret Almanağı 1956-1969
- Türkiye Almanağı 1972-1973
- Türkiye Bibliyografyası 1928-1977
- Türkiye Bilişim Derneği Haberleri 1972-1977
- Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası.Yıllık rapor 1980-1985
- Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası.Aylık Bülten 1937-1979
- Türkiye EkonomisiEnstitüsü Bülteni 1977
- Türkiye Elektrik Enerjisi İstatistik Bülteni 1964-1968
- Türkiye Elektrik Kurumu Dergisi 1979-1993
- Türkiye Elektrik Kurumu Faaliyet Raporu 1971-1990
- Türkiye Enerji Bülteni 1994-1996
- Türkiye Harb Malülü Gaziler Dergisi 1968-1970
- Türkiye İhracaat Rehberi 1977
- Türkiye İktisat Dergisi 1988-1994
- Türkiye İktisat Gazetesi 1968-1993
- Türkiye İstatistik Yıllığı 1968-1999
- Türkiye İstatistik Cep Yıllığı 1970-1988
- Türkiye Jeoloji Araştırmaları Özleri 1990-1993
- Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni=Türkiye Kurumu Bülteni 1949-1999
- Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni Yazın Dizini 1947-1990
- Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı Bülteni 1979-1996
- Türkiye Jeoloji KurumuYıllık Bülteni 1947-1974
- Türkiye Jeomorfoloji Derneği Yıllık Bülteni 1973-1974
- Türkiye Krom Müstahsilleri Komitesi.Çalışma Yılı Raporu 1973-1975
- Türkiye Madenciler Derneği Çalışma Yılı Raporu 1962-1974
- Türkiye Madenciler Rehberi 1978
- Türkiye Makaleler Bibliyografyası 1955-1977
- Türkiye Mühendislik Haberleri 1955-1984
- Türkiye Petrolleri Yıllığı 1967-1988
- Türkiye Sınai Kalkınma Bankası 1980
- Türkiye Ulusal Jeodezi Jeofizik Birliği 1979-1981
- Türkiye Ticaret Odaları,Sanayi Odaları ve Borsaları Birliği,İktisadi Rapor 1970-1977
- Türkiye Yıllığı 1973
- Türkiye’de Türkçe ve Yabancı Lisanda Yayınlanmış Jeomorfoloji-Fiziki Coğ.Yayınları Özetleri 1974
- U.S. Dep.of the Interıor Metal Industry Indıcators 1992-2000
- U.S. Dep.of the Interıor-Bureau of Mines Mineral Industry Survey 1995-1997
- U.S. Bureau of Mines.International Petroleum Annual. 1969
- U.S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey Research 1966-1981
- U.S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey Research Chapter B-1967-1972
- U.S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey Research Chapter C-1966-1972
- U.S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey Research Chapter D-1966-1972
- U.S. Department of the Interior.Bureau of Mines.Annual Progress Report 1969
- U.S.Geological Survey Yearbook 1975-1996
- Unesco Türkiye Milli Komisyonu Yönetim Kurulu Raporu 1969-1986
- Unesco ,Intergovermental Oceanographic Commission 1970
- U.S.S.R. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 1976-1982
- Ulrich’s Quarterly 1979-1980
- Ugoly(Charbon) 1939-1940
- Uluslararası Jeodezi-Jeofizik Birliği 1981
- University of Queensland Deparment of Geology Papers 1991-1995
- Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico-Boletin 1963-1965
- Uranium Magazine 1954-1961
- Utah Geological and Mineral Survey=Utah Geological Survey
- University of Burmingham Research and Publications 1970-1972
- Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey Quarterly Review 1967-1975
- Die Umschau das Wissenschafsmagazin 1982-1983
- Utah Geology 1974
- Umschau in Wissenschaft und Technik 1973-1981
- Undersea Technology and Oceanology International Offshore Technology=Sea Technology 1973-1988
- Union of Burma Journal of Science and Techology 1969-1970
- United Kingdom Mineral Statistics 1973
- The University of British Columbia.Department of Geology Reports 1965-1972
- Utah Geological Survey=Utah Geological and Mineral Survey 1976-2000
- The University of Michigan.Contrıbutions from the Museum of Palaontology 1968-1970
- University of Missouri-Rolla Abstracts of Theses 1971-1973
- Uzbekskiy Geologiçeskiy Journal 1966-1992
- Univerzitet U. Beogradu.Zbornik Radova.Rudarsko-Geologkog Fakulteta 1961-1977
- Uygulamalı Araştırmalar Dergisi 1976-1978
- Uzita Geofyzika(Applied Geophysics) 1961-1990
- L’Usine Nouvelle 1935-1970
- L’Usine Nouvelle Editions Supplementaire 1963-1970
- Üç Aylık Ekonomi Raporu 1991-1992
- Ürdün’ün Genel Ekonomik Durumu Dış Ticaret ve Türkiye İle Ticari İlişkiler 1984-1986
- VDI Zeitschrift 1941-1988
- Valvo Taschenbuch 1974
- Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Nederland Geol.Mijn.Gen. 1960-1966
- Verhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 1915-1982
- Verhandlungen der Geologishen Reichsanstalt,Wien 1867-1915
- Verimlilik 1971-1990
- Verkehrsstatistik 1970
- Vertebrate Palasiatica 1957-1960
- Vesnik.Serija A-Geologija=Vesnik Serija A+B Geologie.Hidrogeologie et Geologie D’Ingeneur 1960-1980
- Vesnik Serija A+B Geologie,Hidrogeologie et Geologie D’Ingeneur 1960-1994
- Vesnik Serija B.Hidrogeologija=Vesnik Serija A+B Geologie,Hidrogeologie et Geologie D’Ingeneur 1960-1980
- Vesnik,Serija C.Geofizika 1960-1980
- Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta.Geologiya,Geografya 1973-1991
- Der Vierjahresplan 1937-1943
- Virginia Minerals 1967-1991
- The Vitreous Enameller 1977-1980
- Washington Büyükelçiliği.Ticaret Müşavirliği,Yıllık Rapor 1970
- Washington Remote Sensing Letter 1982-1986
- Water International 1978-1980
- Water Power International 1949-1986
- Weltraumfahrt Zeitschtrift für Astronautik u.Raketentechnik 1960-1966
- Wiener Geographische Schriften 1984-1992
- Wer Baut Maschinen 1974
- Wireless World=Electronics and Wireless World=Electronics World and Wireless 1975-2000
- Wirtschaft und Statistik 1937-1967
- Wissenschaftliche Veröffenlichungen des Deuts.Ins.für Landerkunde 1938-1970
- Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Karl-Markx Univ.Leipzig 1953-1956
- Wochenbericht 1937
- World Ceramics Refractories 1991-1992
- World Coal=World Mining Equipment World Mining
- World Coal Letter 1982-1983
- World Construction 1948-1973
- World Index of Scientific Translations 1967-1977
- World Metal Statistics 1967-2000
- World Metal Statistics Quarterly 1992-2000
- World Metal Statistik 1984-2000
- World Mining=World Mining Equipment 1948-1994
- World Mining Equipment 1948-1994
- World Non-Ferrous Metal Statistics=World Metal Statistics 1955-1968
- World Oil 1947-2000
- World Petroleum 1935-1972
- World Petroleum Report 1967-1976
- World Stainless Steel Statistics 1974
- World Transindex=World Translations Index 1987-1994
- World Translations Index 1987-1994
- Yankı 1971-1984
- Yargıtay Kararları Dergisi 1975-2000
- Yasa Hukuk Dergisi 1983-1992
- Yasama ve Yargı 1962-1963
- Yaşamak için Çevre Koruma 1981-1986
- Yayın Kataloğu 1984
- Yearbook of Science and Technology 1969-1979
- Yearbook of Bureau of Mineral Resources Geology and Geophysics 1981-1987
- Yeni Ekonomi 1968-1974
- Yeni Forum 1979-1997
- Yeni Madenci 1992-1993
- Yeni Teknik Haberler 1971-1972
- Yeni Yayınlar 1956-1979
- Yeraltı Suları Teknik Bülteni 1963-1964
- Yerbilimleri 1976-2000
- Yeryuvarı ve İnsan 1976-1986
- Yıldız Üniversitesi Dergisi 1983-1989
- Yıllık Ekonomik Rapor 1970-1998
- Yıllık Meteoroloji Bülteni 1938-1973
- Yugoslavya’nın Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-Yugoslavya Ticareti 1969-1987
- Yunanistan’ın Ekonomik Durumu ve Türkiye-YunanistanTicareti 1969-1988
- Za Trofjanuju Industriju 1940
- Zapadne Karpaty,Seria-Geologia Bratislava 1976-1995
- Zapadne Karpaty, Seria-Hydrogeologia a İnzinierska Geologia 1974-1994
- Zapadne Karpaty, Seria-Mineralogia,Petrografia,Gechimia a Loziska 1974-1993
- Zapadne Karpaty, Seria- Paleontologia 1981-1993
- Zapiski Leningradskogo Gornogo Instıtuta 1936-1941
- Zapiski Vseoyüznogo Mineralogiçeskogo Obşestva 1958-1996
- Zbornik Radova Rudarsko-Geolokog Fakulteta 1978-1980
- Zbornik Vedecky’ch Prac Vysokej Skoly Technickey V Kosıcıch 1981-1988
- Zeıtschrıft der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 1849-2000
- Zeıtschrıft für Angewandte Geologie 1955-2000
- Zeıtschrıft für Angewandte Mineralogie 1939-1943
- Zeıtschrıft für Bergrecht 1954-1987
- Zeıtschrıft für das Berg-Hütten Salinenwesen in Deuts.Reich. 1943
- Zeıtschrıft für Erzbergbau und Metallhüttenwesen=Erzmetall 1969-1996
- Zeıtschrıft für Geologische Wissenschaften 1973-1990
- Zeıtschrıft für Geomorphologie 1975-1983
- Zeıtschrıft für Geophysik 1924-1988
- Zeıtschrıft für Gletscherkunde u.Glazialgeologie 1954-1980
- Zeıtschrıft für Kristallographie 1928-1992
- Zeıtschrıft für Kristallographie Abt.A 1938
- Zeitschrift für Kristallographie(Strukturberichte) 1928-1939
- Zeıtschrıft für Malakozoologie=Malakozoogische Blatter 1854-1891
- Zeitschrift für Praktische Geologie 1906-1944
- Zement-Kalk-Gips 1954-1994
- Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paleontologie Teil I 1950-1991
- Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paleontologie Teil II 1948-1991
- Zentralblatt für Mineralogie Teil I 1945-1994
- Zentralblatt für Mineralogie Teil II 1945-1994
- Zentralblatt für Mineralogie u.Petrographie 1937-1944
- Zentralen Geologischen Instıtut.Fortschrifttsberich 1972
- Zeolites=Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 1982-2000
- Zinc Abstracts 1977-1979
- Zolotaya Promislennost(L’Industrıe de L’Or) 1939-1940
- Zonguldak Devlet Mühendislik Mimarlık Akademisi Dergisi 1977-1979
- The Zoological Journal 1824-1835
- Zoologischer Anseiger 1908
- ZVEI Electro Buyers Guide 1974