Educational videos about volcanic hazards, their impacts and societal experiences were produced by the VolFilm consortium.
These films are short and simple, designed to help communities living near volcanoes understand the sort of activity they might experience and to give some simple tips on what to do.
For each hazard there are three films:
- hazard introduces some key concepts about the hazard;
- impacts focuses more on the impacts of the hazard, with a focus on the effect on people;
- and experiential films provide stories from people who have lived through eruptions.
You can watch all the films, or pick and choose what is most interesting to you.
The University of Bristol led on VolFilm, which was a large collaborative effort with many international partners, including MTA.
The playlist for all VolFilm films in English is available here:
Lahars - The Hazard
Lahars - The Impact
Experience: Lahars - "A River of rock"
Pyroclastic Flows
Pyroclastic Flows - The Hazard
Pyroclastic Flows - The Impact
Experience: Pyroclastic flows "A glowing cloud"
Lava Flows
ava Flows - The Hazard
Lava Flows - The Impact
Explosive Eruptions
Explosive Eruptions - The Hazard
Explosive Eruptions - The Impact
Experience: Ashfall "An Eclipse"
Volcanic Gases
Volcanic Gases - The Hazard
Volcanic Gases - The Impact
Experience: Living with volcanic gases (Masaya, Nicaragua)
The playlist for all VolFilm films in English is available here: